Ducks Fly Together

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Adam's P.O.V.

Today was the last day of summer before Becca and I have to leave for Chicago. I spent yesterday with my mom and dad. My brother, Aaron and his fiancé, Veronica surprised me by taking me to get stuff for my dorm room. They met Becca for the first time yesterday and they absolutely adored her!

Today I'm spending the day with the ducks. I'm gonna miss them so much! They're my best friends and I can't imagine my life without them.

"Dude can you believe we're going to college? It's so weird! We're adults now! Like we're no longer kids!" Connie said.

"Yeah I know soon we're gonna be paying bills and getting jobs and having kids." Russ said.

"Woah woah! I don't want to think about paying bills!" Averman said causing as to laugh.

We all rollerbladed to the mall and just had fun. We went to the lake one last time as a team and set up a bonfire.

"I'm gonna miss you guys so much!" Becca said as she took a sip of her drink.

"Don't do this Becca or else we'll all be a blubbering mess." Goldberg said.

"I mean it's true though. You're the only friends I've had that's actually accepting of me even though I was a dick to you when I was a hawk." I said.

"You were a pretty big dick." Guy replied.

"That's what Becca said." Dean said causing all of us to bust out laughing.

"Dude really?" Becca said rolling her eyes.

We all sat by the fire roasting marshmallows and singing our favorite songs. It felt so good to be with the ducks one last time.

"We should probably get going Becca. You have a busy day tomorrow." Charlie said to Becca.

She nodded her head. "You're right. I love you guys so much I'm gonna miss you guys!"

We all huddled together and hugged one another. We began to cry and tear up.

"I told you we'd be a blubbering mess." Russ replied.

"Ducks fly together?" Dwayne asked.

"Ducks fly together!" We all said in unison.

LoveStoned: College {Adam Banks} Where stories live. Discover now