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Becca's P.O.V.

October has finally arrived and that means it's now fall break. I'm so excited to finally go home and see the rest of the Ducks! But first I'll catch you guys up to speed.

Jimmy Duran wanted to "wine and dine" with Tai as a punishment for Adam missing the meeting because of the game. Adam agreed as long as he didn't hurt Tai in any way. As it turns out, Tai dumped him on the date and poured spaghetti all over him because he felt her up.

Adam and I arrived at my driveway and was surprised by what we saw in the house.

"Welcome back!" . I mouth dropped as I saw my mom and Bombay with a sign on the door.

"Oh my god you guys!!" I yelled as I ran to my mom and hugged her tight.

"I missed you so much Becca dear! And Adam we miss you too!" My mom said as she started crying.

"Aww mom don't cry and I missed you guys too! Where's Charlie?"

"His fall break is in two weeks." My mom replied.

"Awwww Casey! I miss you guys too!" Adam said as he hugged my mom and Bombay.

"We have one more surprise for you guys." Bombay said. We looked at each other confused until we heard shuffling of feet and people falling on each other.

"Surprise!!" Out came all the Ducks well except Charlie. My mouth dropped even more than the last time. I screamed and ran over to Connie and Julie. I pulled them both into a hug and started crying.

"I missed you guys so much!" Connie said as she inhaled my hair.

I giggled. "I missed her more!" Julie said giving Connie a look.

"Ummm hello what about me?" A voice said as I turned around and saw my twin.

"CHARLIE!!" I yelled as I ran to him and wrapped my legs around his waist. He pulled me close and hugged me tightly.

"I missed you sis." Charlie said as he put me down.

"I thought your fall break was in 2 weeks!" I said looking over at mom.

"I may have lied." She said with a giggle.

Charlie and Adam did a bro hug kinda thing and joined the other guys. I gave each of the guys a hug. I couldn't believe that all the Ducks are back and that we all have the same fall break! I've missed these guys so much and it feels so good to be reunited with them.

"Ducks fly together!" We all cheered and hugged one another.

"Guys I'm starving!" Goldberg said. We all laughed.

"Thanks Captain Obvious!" Averman retorted causing to laugh even harder.

"Let's go skating guys just like old times! We can go to Goldberg's restaurant and then the mall!" Kenny said.

"Let's do it!" Adam said as we grabbed our skates and headed out the door.

LoveStoned: College {Adam Banks} Where stories live. Discover now