Chapter 3 ~ Personaly, I prefer the lemon

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Your POV
I quickly whipped my head round the room, taking in my surroundings. I think it's fair to say that this man was important, actually let me rephrase that; rather extremely important, from the expertly tailored suit with a carefully coordinated tie or to the fact I'm fairly certain he is sitting behind the largest desk I've ever seen in the most exquisitely  designed office. But this gave me a hint, one I was rather glad to look for; power play, well mainly intimidation and that just happens to be a form I favour. "So, let's get to the matter at hand here then Miss [y/l/n]" he stared at me with chilling eyes, little did he know this wasn't going to make me falter in the slightest.

"[y/n]" I shot back, earning me a rather puzzled look, honestly did he really not understand."Well, if we're hoping straight into business we might as well get to know each other, I find it allows you to skip all the conversing; less barriers don't you think?" I peered straight into his eyes using the exact same method triggering a smirk on his face.

"Rather, I couldn't agree more. I must compliment you on your eye contact, you never seem to see any fellow intimidators anymore" I knew this we be a fun interview considering I would be taking over from Anthea and this just confirmed my theory. And a soon as that comment left his lips so did our battle for power as all eye contact broke allowing Mr Holmes to stare down at his note book.And that's when the battle for power really started, that's when he read the carefully prepared questions.

"What is your weakness?" What a nice question to open with, good to know my potential future employer wants to get straight down to work.
"Well Mr Holmes, that's for you to figure out" I replied leaning my head on my knuckle which was calmly lounging on my crossed legs. That answer seemed to form an intrigued look in his eyes as he rather scruffily wrote down my answer in his one book. I took this time to inch forwards and was met with a wave of cologne as well as my eyes noting that he had questions written out with space for my answers; organised documenting something often forgotten.

Before I had time to move was met with the same icy stare, I slowly edged away allowing myself to let out a breathe I didn't know I was holding in. He opened his mouth to ask another carefully formulated question, but became shushed when I spoke "I can do that." He looked at me considering it for a moment and before he had a chance to answer I took his note book and began answering the questions. Noticing he arose from his chair I kept writing and broke the silence as he began circling the desk in relaxed long strides "You've had a long tiresome day fulfilled by idiots who can't even spell their names let alone have you interview them without turning to a puddle of tears and paper doesn't speak so, bonus" I looked up smiling, to be met with his amused smirk as well as stare that seemed somewhat calmed meaning his cold icicle eyes have now melted to puddles "Have the leftover cake you were eating, you deserve it and will most probably need it if you have to interview anyone else"

And then he rather boldly stuck his hand out "[y/n], you have just got yourself the job, well done on noting the crumbs on the desk"

"Thank you Mr Holmes, although I feel your more a lemon cake person like me" I replied standing up shaking his hand and then handing him his leather notebook and matching silver pen back.

He accepted the notebook and pen, to then open it and glance through my answers while saying " I am, but a pregnant woman getting the correct cake in London seems to be an impossible task" to this I had stifle a laugh as I know Anthea is peering at me through the one sided window.

And as soon as the interview started I was out in the same hall with the same three chairs lining it, but the only difference being the occupants had vanished. This caused me to chuckle, seems Mr Holmes and Anthea had a rough idea of who they would like to employ.

Waltzing out of the building earning a nod from the receptionist I met earlier as well as no doorman, rather odd I thought, I didn't even tell Mr Holmes about the easily tempted man. Unless, of course, he saw the whole thing. Well Anthea did tell me he was the British Government and with that I stepped out the building smiling at the security camera over the road that happens to be following me. Well Mr Holmes, seems we've intrigued each other. Till 8 o'clock tomorrow morning, less than a day till we meet.

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