Chapter 7 ~ Stolen gem

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Mycroft's POV
It's been two weeks since we first met and I can tell she's getting to close. I keep reminding myself that sentiment is a chemical defect found on the loosing side but then she creeps into my mind. I keep trying to busy myself by constantly visiting my sister in an attempt to find a distraction, but even she can tell something's wrong, and she doesn't even talk to me. We've been on a total of five dates and every time I step in the car to visit my sister I can smell [y/n]'s perfume. She's everywhere I turn, quite literally I can't get out of my office without seeing her.

I keep reminding myself this is for her, to protect her.
But then I can't help question; is this sentiment?
Glancing down at my watch I let out a huff. I stand up and refill my glass before taking my position my the fire, staring at the flames I can't help but be reminded of the way her hair shines like the tip of the flame or how her eyes sparkle like the embers of the logs.

Arghh I scream, throwing my glass at the wall in anger. Falling back into the chair i rest my head in my hand, what have I done.

I didn't save her, I lost her.
I gave her up.

It's all my fault.
"Just try and find her" I say in a spout of frustration, sliding the file across the table. "Went missing four days ago, never arrived to her location" I add.

John eyes me before picking up the file and flicks through, while Sherlock goes to reach for his violin. We have never been on good terms, meaning we try to stay away from each other but we know when something is wrong with the other.

"She's the best we've got. Everyone has been looking for her, but nothing. I know you don't deal with missing persons, but she is the stolen gem in the Crown Jewels. Find her brother" this seems to get his attention, he goes to ask a question but before he can speak I walk of the door. He mustn't know of any attachment.

My plan is to find her, but I fear she is gone.
She has vanished, though she may be safer now.

These are the only thoughts I have anymore, I just can't focus.

Every cloud has a silver lining; now I see why mother always said that. For now I will do what I did last night, go home and hope. I fear that is all I can do.
[y/n] [y/l/n]
Went missing on 10th June.

Was traveling to a training base in Yorkshire in order to track the bases progress and form a review on whether it should be closed down due to lack of progress. The base trains new agents, but many have not been trained correctly or are not being trained quick enough, causing concern.
She would stay for four hours before returning back to London to file the report. She would receive a tour and would talk to the leader, Mr C.Michaels of the base as well as have access to all records.

Left her house - 11:00 - CCTV
Was driven using a government car - unfollowed - CCTV
Car returned back to the work place, after dropping her of at the meeting point at the end of the road- 14:00 - CCTV

Driver claims she entered the building, but the CCTV shows the car never made it down the lane to the base.
Her security card was never used - access all areas
Nothing is left in the car - no sights of a struggle
The base claims to have never received her

The base called at 11:24 claiming she was not here - without bag
When the driver returned he was questioned stating she entered the building - with bag
Both members highly trusted, good backgrounds and no motive to kidnap
She entered the car with a bag, that wasn't found when the car was searched

Her bag contained:
Report papers
Base files
Base map
House keys
Hand sanitiser

11th June
All information reanalysed and people involved requestioned
12th June
No further information/advancements
13th June
No further information/advancements
14th June
The involvement of:
Mr S.Holmes - received case/file
Mr J.Watson - received case/file

The search is led by:
Mr H.Holmes

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