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I was tagged by wrecka_stow   and while I'm still a relatively new Prince fan, I figured I'd give this a go.  After's an excuse to ramble on about Prince right? #lol

1.  What age did you discover Prince?

I really can't narrow this one down to a specific age, since I mostly grew up on classic rock, the likes of Billy Joel, Elton John, Jethro Tull and the like.  But P was always around in the background for sure.  

Biggest young memories of Prince I had were probably the notorious yellow assless number at the MTV awards, his interview on Oprah...and probably the videos for Most Beautiful Girl in the World and 7.  

I also have teenaged memories of hearing Eye Hate U on the radio and being somewhat captivated by the song.  #smirks

2.  Favourite Song?

This one's a bit of a hard one since I'm still discovering a lot of his music I'd never come across before.  ATM though, I'd say probably Gold, DMSR, When 2 R in Love, Sex Me Sex Me Not and D&P.  

Just introduced myself to Lust U Always in the last few days & it's possible it may soon be added to my ever growing list.  #lol

3.  Favourite Video?

So many undiscovered vids by him too...#lol

Still I really like D&P, Violet The Organ Grinder, The Most Beautiful Girl in the World, Black Sweat (this one really grew on me, I have to say.  :D)...and the Capitol Theatre '82 Concert Vid for Do Me Baby...I mean, who wouldn't like that one right? ;)

4.  Favourite Movie?

This one's a little trickier since like most newer Prince fans, there are several I haven't seen.  If anyone can help me find Girl 6 I'd be happy to check it out.  #lol  

Also hadn't heard of the Sign of the Times one wrecka_stow mentioned.  smh

Guess out of the three I've seen (PR, UTCM, and GB)  I'll go with PR...though we've pretty much picked it apart plot wise, it's the only one of these three that I've actually watched more than once...#lol  

Though I have to admit to having loved the music in all three...even GB which seems to the be the most torn apart of least in this fandom.  shortyrara , I'm looking at you.  #lol

5.  Can you dance like Prince?

Uh....#look  Imma play it safe here and say, hell no.  In fact, I'm a little afraid to even try.  #chuckles

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