Can a Girl Not Get Paid?

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This whole situation started with one of my part time jobs when I was supposed to get paid on Friday. 

I go there after work from my day job to drop off/pick up more work & grab my pay cheque before the weekend when lo and behold, there was no cheque there.  To make matters worse, it was already after 5 and they were gone for the weekend.  #eyeroll.

I left a note explaining what happened and left for the weekend figuring it'd be taken care of on Monday (today). 

Got a call back on my way to work from the girl over there that my cheque was ready to be picked up today, so I told her I'd drop by for it after work later. 

At the end of the day, I headed over there figuring I'd drop off more work & get my cheque.  It was there so I didn't look at it too closely.  I just signed the back & slipped it into my purse until I brought it to the bank after dinner. 

Now I don't normally go to the teller at the bank, but I had something else I needed to do tonight so fortunately (or unfortunately depending on how you look at it) I did...only to find out the cheque had never been signed.  #sigh

So needless to say, I'm headed back there to try sorting it out tomorrow.  Wish me luck...I think I'll need it...smdh

**edited to say I got the cheque signed & that boss agreed to my request for a small raise.  I'm not sure when or how much, but it's progress.  #relieved**

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