Holiday Story Exchange/Purple Eggplant Awards

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Would you guys rather do this over Christmas/New Year's like last year, or start planning early for Valentine's Day? 

Also preparing to start looking for help for the second Purple Eggplant Awards ceremony to take place in February & March.  Please start thinking about this now & message me sometime between now & into the new year if you'd like to help in some way.  Hoping we can make this awards as special as last year's, but it takes a village...and I have less free time these days.  #helpneeded

So far for awards help, we need some ideas and help for prizes.  Ladt year we had book covers & trailers.  I'm up for that again or maybe something new.  If you have ideas or are feeling creative, please let me know. 

K_N_M222 has graciously agreed to help with stickers, vote counters/sorters, someone to write up an opener to draw everyone in.  Those are my preliminary requests.  👀💜

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