Purple Playlist/Soundtrack

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Saw the mention of the Purple Playlist for the month

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Saw the mention of the Purple Playlist for the month.  How I'll limit it to 30, I'll never know...but here goes nothing.  #lol 

Taking out a line from every song and mentioning it's importance to me though...just a little too complicated for my overworked brain this late at night.  #lol

1.  Private Joy   ;)

2.  DMSR-This song never fails to make me smile.  It's just an all around good song to groove to when you're  driving around.  ;)  "I don't wanna be a poet, cause I don't want to blow it."  #lol

3.  International Lover-There's just something to be said about using your seat as a flotation device that's beyond priceless.  

4.  Pop Life-Did the mailman leave your million dollar cheque in someone else's box?  Yes P...yes they did.  #eyeroll #chuckle

5.  Sign O' The Times-Not sure how I managed to not start listening to this song until recently, but it is a good representation of the world today. Timeless...truly timeless.

6.  Alphabet Street-I literally came upon this song randomly when I was listening to my cable radio station on TV one night looking for classic hits. Hadn't heard it before then but recognized P's voice immediately...go figure.  

7.  When 2 R in Love-What is it with this man and wanting to bathe with you?  Then again, why ask...just enjoy.  #smirks

8.  Diamonds and Pearls-Just totally love this video, though to this day why he's playing a piano while stroking a string of pearls is beyond me.  But he looks damn fine doing it so...;)  Love Rosie though and his interaction with the little kids at the end.  Adorable.  

9.  Gett Off-There's something about him singing about 23 positions in a one night stand in an "assless" body suit that works every time.  And no Veronica...he doesn't serve ribs, but he does know his way around your zipper.  

10.  Money Don't Matter 2 Night-How true this song is.  After all, there are some things that money just can't buy...even if it seems like you never have enough.  

11.  Love 2 the 9s-Wouldn't we all love to find a love like that?  #sigh

12.  Come-10 minutes of pure foreplay.  "Did you come?"  No P, I didn't...after all I'm driving, anyone could be watching.  Then again, I guess I could always just change my underwear.  #lol  

13.  The Most Beautiful Girl in the World-If there's ever a song out there intended to empower women everywhere, this song would have to be it.  We're all told that true beauty is on the inside & this song embodies that idea in a truly beautiful way.

14.  Eye Hate U-I remember listening to this song on the radio back in the 90s & loved it even back then.  ;)

15.  Gold-I've always found this song to be a good one to help lift you out of a funk.  There's just something about it that I connect with on a deeper level, though I can't explain exactly what it is.  

16.  Let's Have a Baby-There was someone who mentioned a song getting you pregnant in like two minutes...think this one trumps it by a mile.  There's just something unbelievably sexy about a man's wish to be a daddy....gets me every time.  #smirks

17.  I Can't Make You Love Me-News flash, P...I think most of us already do.  #lol

18.  Ripopgodazippa-Need I say more?  #smirks

19.  18 and Over-If I didn't know better, I'd think this song should be the B side for Come.  #look  Either way, it just had to make this list.  ;)

20.  Black Sweat-I'm a little embarrassed to say I wasn't that into this song when I first heard it, but it quickly grew on me.  And that look on his face when the woman in the video starts screaming after that whole "You'll scream just like a white lady..." line still has me cracking up.  

21.  Incense & Candles-Such a great romantic song, but still has just the perfect hint of raunchiness to keep things interesting.  ;)

22.  17 Days-At first I couldn't seem to make the connection about this song being the B Side for Purple Rain. Even remember reading somewhere that during the PR days, radio stations would play this song almost as often as they did Purple Rain.  Go figure.  #lol  Speaking of...

23.  Purple Rain-Need I really say more? ;)

24. Let's Go Crazy-Just an all around great party song...yet laced with meaning.  Was actually one of the first songs I listened to today. Somehow it just seemed appropriate today.  #nods

25.  When U Were Mine-I find the mental image of him following around his ex-girlfriend and her new man around pretty hilarious for whatever reason.  Probably because it seems so unlike him.  #lol

26.  New Power Generation Part I & II-Isn't this supposed to simply be one long song?  No?  #innocentlook  Well, I love it either way.  It just makes you feel empowered about being different...or at least that's way I see it.  #nods

27.  Sex Me Sex Me Not-What?  You want me to leave my sister and my underwear at home?  Whatever you say, sir.  #smirks

28.  Electric intercourse-There's just something about this song that I find both relaxing and arousing at the same time...not that I'm complaining....#look 

29.  Violet The Organ Grinder-This has to be one of P's sexiest videos...hands down. #hotstuff

30.  Head-There's just something about seeing P perform with his guitar in this song that never gets old.  #smirks

As far as the whole fave album question, goes I'd probably have to go with 1999.  There's just too many gems on that album to count...and somehow I never get tired of hearing it.  <3

Well I guess that's it...and it seems that most of us have gotten through the first 4/21.  While I'm sure we'll always miss him, I think the worst of the grief is probably over.  The first year is always the hardest, and we managed to pull through it together. I'm so proud of us, and excited to see what the future has in store for all of us.  #purplegrouphug

In lighter news, I hope to have the Eye update up and ready to go by the end of the weekend. Suffice to say, it's about to get lit.  ;)

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