I'm Sorry...Broken Foot

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No...this is not my foot.  #lol

Just a little PSA to say how much broken feet suck.  Fully intended to start working on the Eye update this weekend. 

Unfortunately, the one thing I never considered how tired one little break in a tiny bone would make me.  Like literally fatigued.  😒

Woke up at 10 after like 9 or 10 hours of sleep and since 6, just an hour ago I've been exhausted...like I could just sleep all night right now.  smdh. And all I've done all day is a little bit of my job at home & a little grocery shopping.  Seriously...

Now is that condusive to writing?  Hell no.  Totally unimpressed...and feeling bad for leaving y'all hanging.  I honestly am truly sorry.  😞

I do promise I'm working on it, but progress looks like it may be slower than I anticipated & I want to only give you guys my best work.  Thanks for sticking with me.  😔

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