Author Problems-Need Reader Advice

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Okay...I've been grappling with this for a while now. Some writers would probably kill for this problem, but it's put me in a difficult position and I need you guys to help me figure it out.

I have a plethora of story ideas & nowhere near the time to write them all. With the upcoming creation of the story vault, I'm trying to decide which ideas to keep for myself to write, and which to put in the vault hoping another writer might breathe new life into them.

That's where you, the readers come in. As you know, I already have two stories in the works. What you don't know is that I already have two more coming...soon. One is a collaborative effort, and one is newly inspired, but I'm excited about it. Fighting with myself on whether to hold it until either Eye or Rags is complete, or whether to post a teaser & draft a first chapter but warning on slow least for now. But that's a story for another day. #lol

What I need from you guys is your input. Let me know which stories you'd like to see me work on eventually, and which ideas to pass on. I trust your judgment here, so don't be shy.

Please bear in mind that these ideas remain my intellectual property up until I place in them in the story vault for public access. With that in mind, please do not create any story based on these ideas until then as I still may choose to write any of these stories eventually. Thank you.

Story Idea #1

P becomes a children's music teacher at the local elementary school after his fledgling band crapped out back in the 80s after years of trying to recapture that former glory with no success. One of his students needs extra lessons after school, so he sticks around the school after hours to help this student out...where he eventually runs into Ms. (Name TBD).

It turns out she's been catching the end of his lessons with this student, and noticing him sticking around by himself afterward playing around with his guitar. She just loves the way he plays, and the way he interacts with the children in his class, devoted to helping them learn on his own time. She never really says anything to him, but she stays late for these reasons.

One night though, he finally catches her listening before she has the chance to sneak off and they go back to her room and there is like his old band poster. Turns out that she's a fan of his old band but she doesn't know he was in it kinda thing and she's all like yeah after whatever such yeah he was kicked out they just never sounded the same.

They only released 1 album and the rest were like demos. Before he was kicked out they were very underground and kind of a garage band so it wasn't like there was a huge amount of their stuff. They never used a picture of the band or their real names until he left. The band's name is Alexander Nevermind...

So she is a huge fan of this band but it mainly consist of like bootlegs and demos cause after like 86 or whenever he was kicked out she didn't like their new sound.

But this can be one of the days she stays late and he catches her listening to him play and he takes her home. They may also have to carpool the next morning.


Story Idea #2

Takes place in the early to mid 80s.

After being kicked out of his father's house as a teen, P finds himself homeless & starts busking on the streets of Minneapolis. This has been going on for a few years by the time the story begins, with him bouncing in and out of homeless shelters and motels when he earns enough money busking to take a room a few nights at a time. One day while busking a young woman in the music business listens in, sees how talented he is & steps in to help. She offers him a warm, safe place to stay and starts putting the word around about him to major music labels. In the process of getting him recognition, the two start to fall for each other.


Story Idea #3

P running a nursery school? Gets involved with one of the kid's mothers.


Story Idea #4

P is in a situation similar to The Time Traveler's Wife with time travel jumps and so forth.


Story Idea #5

D&P era

An old friend has a one-time last minute fling with P with back in the mid-80s, just before his career started taking off and she moved away with her family. The two lost touch, but the woman has a secret she's been carrying for the last 8 years. Eventually in 1993, she re-enters his life with an outrageous claim...that her 7 year old daughter/son is his.

This sends P's whole life into a tailspin, with him ultimately deciding to move the two into PP with him while they run DNA testing to establish the child's paternity. Are the woman's claims true? Will P finally get to be the daddy he's always wanted? Will sparks fly again between him and the child's mother?


Story Idea #6

Year 1998

P & woman (Name TBD) used to be best friends as teenagers, but unbeknownst to her, P always carried a torch for her. When the woman moved away, the two lost touch and ultimately moved on. However, he never forgot her and always looked at her as the one who got away.

Years later, P attends the funeral for the distant relative of a business associate only to find out that the man's wife is his former best friend. He decides to seize the opportunity for the two to reconnect, and before long sparks begin to fly anew.

As the two get closer, the woman discovers she's pregnant by her now deceased husband. How will this affect their fledgling relationship? Will P stand by her through the pregnancy? Is he ready to be the father he's always wanted to be?

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