Chapter Six

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At midday the bell dangled in the small record shop, causing Chris to look up from her phone.

She smiled softly as soon as she saw her boyfriend walk towards her. He was accompanied by Erick, an exchange student (and friend) at their University.

"Hey Jes" she said she they came up to the counter "Hey Erick" she smiled to both weakly.

" Have you heard from Layla?" Jessie asked. Erick looked confused as he glanced between the two.

"What about Layla?" He asked with his accent very prominent.

" She wasn't home last night" Christine said as tears started to form in her eyes "a-and I'm scared Jess. She wouldn't just leave like that." she said and covered her face with her hands.

Jessie made his way to his girlfriend behind the counter and let her cry on his shoulder, comforting her.

"Erick," he called "I think it would be better if we closed"

The blond boy went towards the door and locked it, changing the sign around.

He did this Erick thought as he felt anger rush through him.

He turned back towards the couple who now were sitting in stools by the counter.

"I think it is best if you call Layla's parents" Jessie suggested, holding on to Chris's hand firmly "What if there was an emergency and she didn't get to call you?"

"That is a good idea" Erick opinionated bringing them to look up at their friend.

Chris smiled slightly and nodded.

Erick stood there awkwardly and soon excused himself and left.

Once outside he angrily walked towards his rented apartment, taking out his phone and dialing a number he was so used to now.

"Hello?" A voice called in German.

"Do you have her already?" He spat at the phone.

"Ah," the voice said with a mocking tone "you didn't get there in time dear cousin to stop me" a dark chuckle was heard and then the line went dead.

Erick growled an shoved the phone in his pocket.

He now had to get the soonest flight to Germany.


Some days later, Chris sat with her boyfriend in the couch of the living room.

Her phone was in her lap as she dialed for a number she hadn't called in some time.

Mrs. Reed read on her screen as it started ringing, she put it up to her ear and very soon a voice answered.

"Hello? Christine?" Isabel Reed answered.

"Yes, hi Mrs Reed."

"What is it dear? Is there a problem?" She must have heard Chris's voice change.

"You see, the problem is with Layla"

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