Chapter Fourteen

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"What do you want, Erick" Gehiem said staring sternly at his younger brother.

Erick was his stepbrother. Gehiem's father married Erick's mother.
All he could remember was that she appeared one day at the mansion with a little boy a year younger than him.

"Gehiem, I just don't want you to screw up again!" his voice was harsh and menacing but the older was completely unaffected.

"They will know about it! The minute they know about it, dad's f*cking hard work will go to waste! The deal will be off!!"

Gehiem knew. He knew what consequences this had. That's why he was so cautious with it, only a few select people knew everything he did that included Layla. Since the beginning, since the flight to America, to the present day.

"Brother, why do you never trust me?" Gehiem exhaled impatiently, " do you not believe I thought this through meticulously?"

"Gehiem it's just tha-"

"NOTHING" he bellowed, " I've had enough Erick! It's been hard times for the both of us, don't you think?" slowly he made his way towards the window to look out at the beautiful garden.

"When I heard you went to 'study' in America, that's when I knew you didn't trust me... " The words were barely audible as he turned to face the other young man.

The silence reigned the room for minutes, those kind of minutes that feel like hours.

Enough time for the brothers to have thoughts buzzing through their heads.

The pain was clear in Gehiem's eyes, but the rest of his face was emotionless as he spoke

"Remember what father said?.... Money and power can come and go... But love and trust are made for forever... "

Three weeks had passed and Mrs. Jane Reed had lost her sanity.

At this moment in which her daughter was missing, she preferred to know she was dead to have some sort of closure.

The mix between little hope and sorrow did her no good. Her close family members had received the news and her sisters visited three times a week.

Mr. Reed had become even more depressive, he had clinical depression which hadn't affected him in years, until now.

But who suffered the most was Chris.

Jesse had to stay with her the rest of the summer vacations, just in case she had another panic attack, which were very frequent.

Now, that it was near the start of the semester, Christine didn't know at all if she could handle it.

Many things were occurring  in her head, it  had all become very overwhelming. One of them  was the thought of moving out the flat, to live with Jesse. It was fortunate that there was now a spare room, since Erick went back to Europe so suddenly.

Laying on the floor of her room, she had her favorite songs playing at a painfully high volume, the melody flowing around her. She felt the vibrations buzzing on her fingertips as she placed them on the speaker reminding her that she was alive, and that probably her friend wasn't.

New fresh tears started rolling down her cheek.

"How come I still can cry? I was hoping I'd dry out of tears due to all the crying..." She whispered out in the  room.

Jesse opened the door slowly, to not disturb her beloved. "Hey boo.... The neighbors asked for you to lower the volume..." At no response, he passed and turned the volume down, "Chris, babe, you can't stay here anymore, come on let's go downtown ok?"

She only whimpered in response.

Sighing deeply, Jesse layed down next to Chris, he turned so that his arm draped around her waist, and his face was in her hair. 

And like that, Chris burst into another fit of tears.

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