My new pet

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Sarah's P.O.V
After Luna and Michael and there weird puns me and Liam went for a walk into the dark parts of the forest when we came into a clearing with a blossom tree there me and Liam were both surprised at this beautiful area as we came to notice a tiny golden ginger cat and as it came out into sun it had a little white part under him. He meowed with his paws being dirty and many scratches and scars all over him we jumped at another few meows i could just about understand them the black cats were threatening the ginger one as he was asking for help I stepped out of the shadows as the ginger one looked scared and backed away but I knew he would get hurt again (as assumed by the scratches and scars) I suddenly scooped him up as the other hissed but I growled they ran away the little ginger cat almost fell but luckily I caught him a talked to him and he said he's name was Percy. We decided to take him home although it would take time to get used to him being around the pack I'm sure he would heal up and get a lot of attention! Percy it was really really scared so I told him that Luna love all kittens and cats but seriously she really did and that she would accept any cats or animal that she would find. He Felt a lot better after that as we arrived to the Packhouse me and Liam walked in with the little ginger cat named Percy cuddled up in my arms. I walked into Luna's office hoping she was there, and I was correct she was snoring on her office table I shook her and shook her and then she finally woke up looking very angry but as soon as she saw the little snug Percy in my arms she immediately felt happy and took him straight from my arms but then she was asking me if we could keep him I was laughing so hard trying to say that we found him hurt I almost gagged on my own saliva once I finally stopped coughing and laughing I had told her the whole story she immediately felt sad I could see her almost crying she had called Patricia the packs nurse as she had told luna that Percy was going to be fine she felt a lot happier after that and calmed down she had asked me where that spot was I told her they was right in the deep parts of the forest and it was just a little clearing she got from her desk and told me should be back soon and went sprinting for the forest but Im not sure why she went there .

I went down to go see Percy to see how he was when I was in to the office he was looking petrified but when he saw my eyes and he looks like he felt calm again I will talk to him as a straight over and over again Patricia told me to be careful with his scars and scratches were as they could be infected I nuzzled my nose against his and he felt so happy he was jumping around and then I noticed his eyes it go from blue to yellow I was really confused and Patricia saw this to we were looking at each other really concerned Percy started to talk to me again and said what ever he feels his eye will change to that colour like if he was angry and they were changed to red! I told Patricia what Percy had just said to me but she looked amazed not because his eye colour could change but because I could understand him and he could understand me it was weird because the wolf is part of the dog family and a cat is our family nemesis so it really didn't make sence. Then Percy's eye colour changed from the yellow to a really pink-ish colour I asked him why was he embarrassed and then you told me that his mum was the only shifter that could shift into a cat wolf and human He said to me with my mouth wide open! He said they died awhile back but he never could be able to shift into a wolf or human but he said with eyes blue that before his mum died she had told him that they are special occasion would come and he would be able to shift but he never believes that he would. All of a sudden he started to scream in agony I was stroking him but I knew I shouldn't so I stepped back as he's shape became bigger like a wolfs shape then I relished he was shifting into a plain tanned wolf with white feet I was smiling so hard and Patricia's big mouth was wide open I started to explain what he had just said to me before, when he finally shifted into into a wolf I ran up to him and cuddled as hard as I could and told him that he finally shifted into a wolf he was howling definitely with joy and his eye colour went back to a really bright yellow. I shouted for everybody to come into Patricia's office they all came to us I told him what just happened had Percy could shift between a cat and a wolf and soon a human everybody was so happy and surprised as Percy and shifted back into his into his original ginger cat then Luna had picked him up and started cuddling him and swinging him around as she put in back on the floor and he kind of fell definitely from all the dizziness everybody giggled and he kept shifting into a cat and a wolf over and over again because he was so excited he is shifted into his skinny wolf as we when outside with the pack I could also him praying to his mum and dad saying that the day has finally come we shifted into a wolf I was so happy I went over to him in my wolf form and pushed him onto the floor and we started to play fight then obviously everybody else joined in with us but Liam was definitely jealous and so was Michael because all the attention that was normally given to them or any other pack member was now all given to Percy I shouted at them not to be jealous of him as they deny is it over and over again I started to tackle my brother as Percy tackled Liam I'm not sure if Liam was trying to be serious or just play fighting but I seriously hope it was play fighting or else he is going to have another thing coming his way! I looked on the corner of my eye I stopped play fighting with Michael as he wants to play fight with someone else and I started to walking off into the forest again in my wolf form and I followed luna but she didn't seem to notice me so I just kept following her and following her then she stopped right in her tracks turned around and sat down in front of me but I was asking questions after questions like what's the matter multiple of times but she said nothing just sat there. "Sarah can you please leave me alone to meditate I need to tell the moon goddess what has happened today and I need to ask her if any other kind of shifter like Percy really existed so please can you leave me to talk to her." She had her eyes closed but I'm sure she could see me so I nodded and walked off but what she didn't know is that I was hiding behind a rock watching her meditate and mumble talking to the moon goddess as I my mouth dropped open at the site oh light green a ring had formed around her and weird shapes on the insides of it but then she started to float in midair I started to walk back to the house when I when I looked back around at her she was gone but I knew she was okay because she had obviously noticed me or was going to the sea which she always love to go there so I decided to walk back home as I could see a few little kids still playing in the dark I told them to go in as they followed my orders I followed them in and shut the door to make sure they wouldn't go back out again I went upstairs into my room shut locked the door behind me and I was bringing out my journal that I had written up every think in there as I had a little knock on my door I opened it to see a wolf standing there its eyes was still a very bright yellow so Percy is shifted back into his cat and laid on my bed in a little hoop I shoved my journal in my drawer As now was not the right time to write in it I sat next to Percy and ask him what was the matter he then laid on his back. He's eyes went back to a pink-ish colour as he told me that he might of found his mate in the pack that he was on sure he said that it was Patricia but he at least thought it was Patricia my eyes lit up, Patricia had been looking for mate when we have found her by now she probably given up on finding him but he is here and I know they would be perfect together their both really funny and intelligent! I was carrying Percy in my arms to the front room then he shifted into his wolf as we then walked to Patricia's office he was really scared and embarrassed as his eyes lit up light pink again he looks so cute like that Patricia would definitely want to be with him he was getting so embarrassed then his eyes went from a light pink dark pink as soon as we knocked at her office doors she opened them and Percy and Patricia defiantly felt the connection then Percy had asked her if she wanted to be his mate she wanted to be his mate inside she defiantly felt like jumping and hugging him but that was not like her so she didn't but she did jump a little but stopped and realise what she was doing her cheeks let up a bright pink as she agreed they were hugging each other as I told them that if they wanted me I'll be upstairs but then I heard Bones cracking again it was Percys bones he was shifting into a human I ran upstairs and to get some of Liam's clothes are they would defiantly fit him I ran back downstairs he was already in human form I threw him some close as he then got dressed I can't believe it all three stages were completed now he could turn into a wolf or human or cat when ever! Patricia was a lucky lucky girl to have Percy they were so alike but so different at the same time I had gone upstairs and laid on my bed at this time I got out my journal and maybe it was the right time to write about what happened today had Percy has been abused by other cats and how we take him in how he has turn into a wolf and human and just how well he fit is in this pack. I was really concerned though Luna had not come back and I wasn't sure if she was going to I unlocked my door and went to Luna's room I knocked on her door but no one answered I open the door and no one was there it was just her messy room no one had seen her since I looked in the forest nobody I looked at the sea no one but then I realised about that cherry blossom spot I ran to it and sort her sitting there in the middle meditating right under the blossom tree I had told her about what happened she was so exited that we both run home to see him. As soon as we got home we went down to Patricia's office and saw him sitting there with her but then I reminded them they were mates Luna squeezed them so hard I had to pull her away from them or else they might die! We said our good nights and decided to have a sleepover I talked about how great it was to have a mate but I stopped when I realise Luna hasn't got a mate she looked depressed and I feel guilty I ran down the stairs and bought a piece of chocolate cake. Her eyes lit up and she scoffed it down the throat we talked for the rest the night about who her mate might be then we done would you rather and what ifs, we both had fallen asleep in weird positions on the bed we were top and tail I was spread out in a starfish shape and she was in a little ball shape. We were both so different but we are best of friends.

Guys I have written this long chapter because its valentines and its a little gift for all of you guys! I never thought I could write these many words in just one chapter I really hope you like it I put a lot of effort into this one I'll see you guys next time. 😀

rejecting my mate (not complete and working on it slowly)Where stories live. Discover now