I made the right decision

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Patricia P.O.V

I woke up to tiny ginger cat cuddling me I giggled a little but that seemed to wake him up. "Why are you always in your cat form well at least most of the time?" He just meowed I looked confused because Luna and Sarah can understand cat but the rest of us can't, Michael can't ether. Percy was now in his human form naked human form I shut my eyes tightly at the sight of his naked body he laughed as I heard him get dressed and him falling a couple of times witch I obviously laughed at him. "It's fine to open your eyes now." He was fully dressed with his ginger hair gelled back and wearing light blue jeans with a plain white top."Let's go have some breakfast and for you maybe some cat nip." He laughed sarcastically as we walked to the kitchen we sat at the island with there already so Luna had made us some delicious breakfast I had 2 scrambled eggs with chips and beans while Percy had 4 pieces of bacon, three scrambled eggs and some chips Luna definitely knew what we both loved for breakfast to be honest she what everyone loved she was always the first one to know about anything. "What are you waiting for? Dig in!" Percy loved food and so did I.

After me and Percy had finished our breakfast we decided to go for a run in the forest so we both shifted our wolfs, Percy's wolf being a tall buff tanned wolf and mine was a tiny but strong brown wolf. We played fight, trained and relaxed we were planing on going to the sea but I stopped Percy and pointed out two people in the sea one smelt unfamiliar but I recognised the other one it was Luna I held Percy back he was growling loudly why slapped him to shut him up I knew he wasn't a threat to Luna or us but I knew he wasn't her mate either or else she would also introduced us to him this was a secret so I told Percy not to tell anyone about it when she comes back to the pack house I will talk to her about it but me and Percy decided to go to the cherry blossom tree we looked through as we can see petals of the cherry blossom falling it was like pink rain we sat down on the blossoms petals.

 We played fight, trained and relaxed we were planing on going to the sea but I stopped Percy and pointed out two people in the sea one smelt unfamiliar but I recognised the other one it was Luna I held Percy back he was growling loudly why slappe...

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"This is beautiful." I've never realised how beautiful this place is until now and I can tell Percy felt the same way we started to talk and talk the later it got the more we knew about each other the more we loved each other. "I- this might sound wired but um bhgdvngdv?" Was he trying to ask me something or maybe tell me something? "What was that?" He's eyes were the darkest pink and so was his face. "canimarkyoubecauseireallyloveyou!?" He was a-a-asking me if he could m-m-mark me?! I turned pink. "Can I think about that...?" I wasn't sure one part wanted him too but the other wasn't. "Yeah sure. It's getting late we should go back now. I agreed but I wanted to see if Luna was still at the sea I checked and saw them on a rock her head on his shoulder and his arm around her they weren't mates I'm sure of that but what would happen they found there mates they would have to leave each other wouldn't they I kept that thought in my head as we walked back.

When we got home i shifted and got dressed so I decided to wait in Luna's office and send her a mind link. Luna were are you I'm waiting in your office I have something to discuss. She was here in no time she came through her office door wet and told me wait as she got dressed and back into the office. "What did if you want to discuss with me? "I opened my mouth to say something but I couldn't speak because I guess Percy question was stuck in my head. "I I saw you with another person and so me and Percy won't tell anyone but I would like to know who he is?"  She looked embarrassed and told that there just friends and they met on the beach 2 days ago, he is 24 and he's name is Lucas. After that I told her about what Percy had asked me she told me to go for it because it was going to happen anyway because were mates so I went to our room with Percy laying down sleeping I woke him up as he sat up his eyes still dark pink like before. "Yes." He was confused before his eyes went a mix between pink and yellow. "Are you sure?" I nodded as his sharp teeth dug into my collar bone when he took his teeth out he's mouth dropped I went to bathroom as I looked in the mirror I saw that were he bit my neck there was a pattern of a flower and I was amazed I went to Luna's office and she was there with Sarah I showed them my neck and they were amazed by it. I had some dinner and went upstate to see a ginger cat sleeping on out double bed as I laid down next to him and fell asleep I made the right decision.

rejecting my mate (not complete and working on it slowly)Where stories live. Discover now