Everything was my fault.

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Luna's P.O.V

I woke up this morning pretty early witch is really unusual but i was still half asleep so I just shrugged it off and made breakfast for my self after eating my egg and bacon sandwich I decided to go for a run because my wolf was howling to get out so when I got deep into the forest I shifted into my black wolf as I stretched my large paws out, I started to sprint as I hanged my tongue out at the speed I was going at and I jumped over every obstacle in my way chasing a rabbit but obviously I didn't kill it because I can eat meat I just can't kill it or skin it. I tripped over of what I thought was a branch as I rolled over I hit a log and saw a dark figure laughing at me as everything went black.

I woke up a few hours later tied to a tree in the forest still in my wolf form I tried to struggle out of the rope but it was no use it was to tight to get out of I looked around to see a figure in a hoodie staring at me I tried to send a mind link to my pack but I couldn't focus the person came up to me and put there hood down as I saw a woman with black hair and brown eyes she was smiling at me not saying anything. "W-who are y-you?" I was scared she was going to do something to me but I wasn't sure what. "I'm Brooklyn and I'm not going to hurt you but you will." She forced a red drink down my throat as I felt anger and everything went black again like i was dreaming....

(What happened while Luna blacked out)
Luna's P.O.V
I broke from the rope my eyes fully black she laughed as she suddenly disappeared into fin air but I ran towards the sea I looked around and saw Lucas sitting on the rock kicking his feet in the sea he looked at me smiled and waved I felt anger but I loved him my eyes were turning from my normal eye colour to the pitch black I tried to stop myself but I couldn't no matter how hard I try to be tried. I swam towards him he frowned at the sight of my eyes as he swam towards, held my arms and kept asking me what was a matter with I just growled at him as kicked him in nuts he let go and yelped in pain my claws came out (still in my human form) and I scratched him on the arm as it bleed out he held it looking at me with tears with disappointment I swam back looking for more blood I entered the pack house to see Patricia cuddling up with Percy as he looked at me and looked scared like he could run strait out the door leaving everything behind him even Patricia but he would do that he tried to calm me down not waking her up I started to. Shift while walking t o them he was trying to wake her up but she was in a deep deep sleep he picked her up as he ran but I was too fast for him in wolf form I jumped in front of him as he ran the other way but I still to fast for him I scratched him missing her arm he pushed me down he ran to their room he Instantly locked I scratched the wall but I needed blood I ran outside howling for blood as Sarah, Liam and Michael came out the all shifted into their wolfs and chased me I lost them easily as looked back I bashed my head into a tree as I blacked out.

I woke up in a bed not mine or anyone else's that I knew I jumped off the bed in my wolf form still but i had been locked in the room but whoever owned this room now had no privacy seeing as I had bashed their door down I walked down the stairs as people growled at me a woman had obviously told them to stop she walked over to me about to touch me but I growled at her she stepped back putting a plate of steak under my noise and placed it on the floor I went to it and ate it up luckily it wasn't poisoned. "Don't you wanna shift into your human form?" She was looking at me with her head tilted to the side I shook my head because if they knew who the black wolf was everyone would know then I realised the girl I was talking to was Sabrina she was my arch nemesis this pack was my real pack for ages ago all the memories of them giving me scars and bruises. But how far did I go, my pack house is about 10 miles away! I went to go out the door when a random man stopped me in my tracks (a new replacement they treated better) I barely had to look up at him because ether he's a dwarf or my wolf was really tall. "Where are you going rogue!?" When he said he spat in my face so I wiped my face with my paws and went heading to the garage as he was about to put his hands on my belly to try and pick me up but then I ran to the poster and jumped through it because I had made a tunnel and used it to run away and they were idiots so they wouldn't of found it but when I got out there was always three wolfs on patrol like I said there idiots so I easily jumped over both of them scratching them leaving them in pain I ran howling in delight before a few minuets later I bashed into a tree (I'm dumb)

(After Luna woke up)
After a few minutes of playing angry birds in the woods I covered my ears because I think they were bleeding. "Where are you!" Sarah was screaming at me I wanted to avoid her because when she's angry she is Godzilla x 2. "I'm coming back don't worry I'm fine..." That wasn't the truth I wasn't ok I had met my mate normally people were happy about this but wasn't In love with mate I loved Lucas!

Last night I had probably killed someone or hurt them but this time I was careful not to run into the little witch that made me almost kill my friends I guess but what if I had killed someone in my pack or.....Lucas.

It 10:30am I still can't believe I walked 10 miles go me! But when I got there I wasn't looking forward to going in I new what was coming but I was scared like when do something reallllllllllly bad and you grounded, screamed at or even hit!!! When I walked in I looked at Godzilla scared she was going to eat me hole even tho I didn't know what I had done I felt like it was really bad. She Fock me to my bedroom witch had sound prof walls so I guess I was going to die so farewell. She looked like was going to give me a slow and agonising death but she took a deep breath (thank god) and they look like she was going to cry. "Why would you do that?! To someone in our pack!why?" I didn't know what she was talking about. "What did I do please tell me I didn't hurt anyone did I? "I had no clue what her you tell me last night. "You did! How can you not remember hurting somebody you love in this pack!!!" I really hurt someone... "I can't remember anything from last night please tell me what happened all I remember is waking up to a girl in a hoodie Who made me drink a horrible drink then I just remembered blacking out!!!!!" She looked scared of me as a waterfall of tears came streaming down my eyes I didn't know what happened but I wish I hadn't been out because then no one would of got hurt its all my fault! More streams of tears raced down my face as Sarah tried to comfort me but it wasn't working more tears more crying and more hugging from Sarah. "I'm sorry I didn't know what exactly happened but Percy said that you just went wild and you tried to hurt Patricia but you caught him instead." I actually hurt someone. Where they all scared of me now? I was a monster. I went down the stairs with red bags under my eyes as everyone looked at me like I a was a mutant beast they avoided me so I went to the sea were I saw Lucas I walked to him but he backed away from me and I saw a massive scratch on his arm that I had probably gave him I started to cry as I swam to the rock the farthest one I could see I sat there I saw Lucas trying to swim to me so I put myself in a bubble of water I meditated. "Please goddess tell me what happened please. " I saw her figure out the shadows as she sat down and told me everything that happened I was petrified petrified! "Are you telling me that I almost killed people?" She nodded I started to cry again as she wiped my tears. "You become what you believe in so let every situation be what it is instead of thinking what it should be." Those words echoed in my head I let down my bubble as I swam to him once I wish him breached him I hugged him my tears have stopped by now and I was apologising over and over again. "I'm so sorry I didn't know what was happening all I remember is somebody making me drink the potion then but... I have hurt you and Percy....." He hugged me even tighter and laughed. "I thought it was your way of breaking up with up with me! HAHAHAHA" we are both laughing at this point as he walked me on shore. "This might sound crazy but why don't you come to my pack house my parents would love to meet you!!?" I nodded as we both ran to his pack house but I could help but think everything was my fault.

Sorry I haven't been able to update a lot but I do have a lot of homework so I hope you guys like this chapter until next time bye.

rejecting my mate (not complete and working on it slowly)Where stories live. Discover now