The compilation

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* If you have any ideas comment for me,and if I missed spelled anything to. *

It all started with a worm nice boom fire.My name is Morgan Hust. I'm sixteen years old. l have black hair and blue eyes. I have a job at a diner down the streets from my house. My mom and dad where good people. They came and picked me up from the boom fire . Just one boom fire. One misstacke. My dad wasn't paying attention to the the road,and we crashed in to a eighteen wheeler. The police said that they don't know how I got out of the car. All they know is I was passed out in the center of the road barely breathing. They thought that I was going to die. It's been about a months since the accident. My aunt Alex is taking me and my brother in his name is Toby Hust . My brother is fifteen years old. He haves brown hair and blue eyes. My brother doesn't have a job he barely does his homework he normally just play his games. My Aunt Alex is twenty-five years old. She haves blonde hair and golden color eyes. She sales houses so she is a realestate worker. She is from my dads side of the family. I know it is hard on Toby when are parents died. It feels like Toby blames me for there death. We barley said five words to each other, but it's my junior year in high school. It's the first day of my junior year and I'm so nervous. I missed all my friends I hope I can have a good day. It's not going to be perfect but it needs to go at lest well. My aunt's in the kitchen . I walk in to the kitchen. "Want some food." Alex said. "No,it's all about the coffee." I said. "Is there coffee." Toby said. "Yes." I said. Toby rolles his eyes. "Here you go sweetie." Alex said. "Thank you Aunt Alex." Toby said giving her a kiss on the check. "Do you want me to drive you to school?" Alex said. "Don't you have a job meeting?" I said. "But it's at about...(Looking at her watch )...right know." Alex said. "Its fine I'll take him..... go."I said. "Ok I'm going. "She said as I pushed her out the door. A flash of worm wind comes from the door, and a smell that I haven't smelled in weeks. It's smelled fresh and clean. "Toby it's time to go." I said. Toby goes down the stairs. Not stoping until he reaches the car. I go to the car. I started the car. The car ride was silent. When we got to school, before I could say anything Toby got out and slammed the car door. I tack the key out of the umishin, and stepped out of the car. My friend Vive comes up behind me. "Hey, how are you." Vive said. "Hey, Vive." I said. All of a sudden Vive turns and started to stare at a boy. We couldn't see his face clearly. Then,he walks right passed me and Vive. He gets in the middle of the court yard. "He is hot."Vive said. "Shh. He might still can hear." I said. "He can't hear us."Vive said. "Maybe." I said. "Don't be crazy ."Vive said. The guy walked in to the school. "Were good. He is inside. He is hot, but I'm not ready for a relationship."I said. "Ok. I got it, but you can still look. Right?"Vive said. "What ever Vive. I need to go to my locker before class." I said to Vive. "Ok. I'll wait for you." Vive said walking in with me.I get to my locker. "Hi,How are you. (She lookes at Vive.)how is she."I hear a familiar voice say. "Emma. I'm right here,and I'm fine." I said. I look in my locker. I shut the locker,and look up. I glanced at the manestretives office. I think to myself for a minute or two. Then I say." Vive there's the guy how passed up in the parking lot." I said. Vive turns around. "Who." Emma said. "New kid." Vive said. "No, like fresh meat." Emma said. "No,Morgan called dibbes ." Vive said. "No, I didn't." I say. "Ok,is he ok to date." Emma said. "Knock yourself out." I said. "You got a crush on him don't you Morgan." Vive said as the bell rings. "Saved by the bell. Oh, I left a book in my locker. I'll meet up with you later." I said. "Ok,see you later." I said. I get my book. My phone started going off. I look down at my phone. I turn around the corner,and my phone flys out of my hands. I fall on the ground, and my bookes and paper go every were. Then, I hear a voice. "Are you ok." A guy said. "Yes, I'm sorry I was looking at my phone and I wasn't paying attention I am truely sorry." I say. I look up. It was the new guy. He haves green eyes and brown hair. " I'm...ummm...uhhh... I'm....My....My....My name is Morgan Hust." I say with a studder as my checks flush red. "I'm Jack Love." He said."How do you like living here f-f-far?" I asked. "Good. Do you know where Mrs.Lee's room is by any chance?" Jack said. "Yes, I'm heading there right now." I said. "Can you show me to her class?" Jack said. "Y-Y-Yes!!!!" I said. We get to class it was boring like always,but I had a distraction. He looked back a few times to see if anyone was staring . I don't want to answer Vive's question,because I liked him. I look back,at Jack he turns and sees me staring at him. I quickly turn my head to face Vive. I look in the corner of my eye. Jack stares at me the rest of the period. I look a few times to make shere he wasn't staring but he was. I walk with Vive and Emma to the next class. As we left we stoped by my locker. "Why are we stoping at your locker." Emma said looking at me. "I forgot my book." I said back. "Ok you two stop it." Vive said stepping in between us. Jack walkes past us. I catch him glancing at me. When he looked at me I grin, and I new he seen me. " Heyy. Earth to Morgan. What the hell are you looking at?" Emma said. Only me and Vive know that I was looking at Jack. I rolled my eyes,and looked back at Jack. When I look back Jack was gone. The bell rings. We all run to are second pireod. I sit down and a few minutes later Jack walks in. I think to my self. How many classes do I have with Jack? Maybe I can get a sneck of his schedule. Then something weird happened. He get out his schedule, and puts it on the desk and bended back down. I look at his schedule. He haves. first,second,fourth,and eighth.Vive sees me looking around Jack's desk. "Huhmm." Vive said. "What?" I said. "Nuthing but today after school we are going to the mall,but we can talk later." Vive said. "Ok" I said. I look at Jack and see that he started to smerke. He looked at me and I look at him. We lock eyes. I stare into his beautiful forest green eyes. "Miss.Hust." My teacher snaps me to a attention."Yes." I said looking forward. "What are we doing today?" He asked me. "Ummm uhhhh. I don't know." I said. "Pay attention Miss. Hust." He said. I look back Jack smiles then goes back to work.

WARNING BELOW: This STORY will have unproperty words and seances.

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