The party

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Morgan's POV

I start working on the party. Tomorrow will be the best party I have ever through. Blain right now is getting some music together because Jack had to stay late at school for basketball practice again,but I have the whole afternoon to get ready and my best friend here. "Blain do you have the music on,and ready to go." I asked. "Yes,M I have it set up. You need to calm down." "I am calm." I said playing with my fingers. "No your no, you are doing that thing with your fingers when your nervous." Blain said as he smarks at me. "Ok. You pay to close attention to things." I say. "Only when it comes to my friend." Blain said looking at me with a nervous smile. "Well then thank you,and can you go get a few things on this list." I said handing him the list. He glanced at the short list.He looked at the paper and back to me. "Uumm, Yes I will is this all." Blain asked. "Yes,add white lights on there." I said. "Ok,it is now added,anything else." Blain asked. "Not that I now of. If there is any decorative things I have not put on the list, just get it." I say. "Alright. Goodbye." Blain said with the list in his hand. "And don't reck my car." I yelled. "I won't........try." I rolled my eyes and start hooking the specker up. Then I feel a tight grip on my waist. Then,hot breath on the back of my neck. I turn around in a swift motion. I look at the perfect green eyes,and is brown hair. I could feel is six pack rubbing against my stomic. I looked shocked. JACK " JACK,your here I thoght you had practice." I say to him. "Couch let me out early so I could help you." Jack said. I step on my tippy tose and press my lips on him. He automatically   follows after me. I open my mouth a little as he slipped his tongue in my mouth, as I do the same. Then we hear...."Excuse me.." I hear Blain say. I pull away and look at my stupid best friend behind me. "Your early. I didn't think you would be back so early." I said with a light blush. "I...Unum....That's How fast...your car goes." Blain said shuddering. "But my car doesn't go that fast. You where only gone for not even 10 minutes." I said. Then,I realized that I still had my keys. "Blain how's car did you us,because my keys are right here." I said. I see both Jack and Blain tines up. "I....I." Blain said. "Brought his bike for him this morning." Jack said. " Then why did you say my car was fast?" I said. "I didn't want you to worry about me falling off my bike." Blain said. MAKES SINCE FOR KNOW  BLAIN AND JACK LOVE. "Blain did you get the cake." I asked. " I am sorry M." Blain said. "It is alright I will pick it up. I will be fast ok.'' I said. 

                                                                             *****30 minutes later*********   

I run in to the store. I looked at my watch and I have in hour and a half to get back to the party. I grab the cake and look at the cake before I take it. I walk out the bakery of the store and bumped in to a person. "Sorry are you ok." A deep mans voice said. I look up and it is a boy my age or older. " Yes, I am fine . Are you new around here." I asked. " Yes, kind of we have been here before...........sorry my name is Marshal." he said. "Ooooo, my name is Morgan...Morgan Hust." I said . "I thought you where name was Kate." Marshal said. "Why do people call me that maybe I should change my name to Kate." I said. "I promise you, you don't want to be Kate." he said. "Marshal what are you doing?" I turn and the is a guy that looked exactly like Marshal. " I  bumped in to her." he said. " Kate..." the guy said running at me. Marshal steps in front of me. " Eathen calm down. it is not Kate. Her name is Morgan Hust." Marshal said . " Sorry instinct of mine." Eathen said." No problem. Are you ok." I asked. " Yes I am fine." he said. " Well would you like to come to a party tonight." I asked. The boys look at each other. " Why no." Eathen said. "Follow me boys." I said. I get to my car and look at the time I have an fourty minutes until the party starts. I drive with the boys following me. We finally got to the lake. Jack and Blain comes up to the truck and Jack gives my a kiss and Blain hugs me. "Where have you been hot stuff." Blain said. "Watch your self." Jack said. I turn the truck off and put the keys in my pocket. I open the door and jump on Jack. My legs grip tightly around his waist ,and grab his face. I slam are lips together. Then, I remember the twins behind me. I jump off his waist. I wave at the twins. They get out of the truck there in the next thing I know I am behind Blain and Jack holds me from behind to try to calm me down. "Well...Well...Well...What do we have here. The Love brothers at it again. Trying to protect the love of your life." Eathen said. "Do y'all know each other." I asked. "Yaa, we are well you can call us old FRIENDS ." he said with the word friends in bold.  Blain and Eathen get closer to each other. "Guys stop that was a year ago get over it." Jack said. Looking at Blain from me. "She dosen't know what we are or what you are or what she is dose she." Eathen said. "What are you talking about." I asked. '' Well sweet heart you 'boyfriend' is a...." Eathen said. "Nothing." Marshal said. "Lets make a truths. What you say." Jack said. " Ok . You wont mess with us and we don't mess with y'all."Eathen said. "Ok, but don't drag Morgan in to this ok." Blain said. "We wont ." They say at the same time. They walk away from each other. It was a good rest of the night. I black out after three drinks in. I remember  Blain taking me to my  house.

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