Memory lane

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** Morgan's P.O.V**

Gralwing at the pain that is shooting up my body. I feel warmth...more warmth than unusual. I slowly open my eyes . To see an sleeping Blain. His arms firmly wraped around my waist. I lightly push Blain trying to wake him. Blain moves but still asleep,so I ly waiting for him to awake. Snuggling closer to Blains body heat. . I try to stay awake but I cant help to fall back in to a slumber. Peace falls in the room. "Morgan are you awake." I hear Blain say with sleepiness in his word. I slowly open my eyes once again looking a Blain. "I am now." I grown. "Sorry to wake you M." Blain said. A long silence stings along. "Do you want breakfast?" Blain asks. "Ya . Sure." I shrug still in his arms. I mean he is my beat friend. It's not weird. "Do you remember anything from last night?" Blain asks another question. Now that I'm thinking of it; I dont remember anything. "No. It's all blurry. One minute I'm at home after the party then the next I'm here." I look confused. Blain relaxes when I say it. "Are you ready to get up now." Blain said. I put my finger to my chin acting like I'm thinking. "Yaa...sure." I get up. "Thank you." Blain says. "Where is Jack?" I ask. "In his room asleep." Blain said. "What happened last night?" I ask. "Your asking alot of questions. What would you like to eat?" Blain doughs the question. What is up with him. He is acting weird. "Anything will be good." I said. Blain starts cooking. I walk to Jack's door cracking it open. Jack lys asleep. I slowly walk in and shut the door. Watching him sleep. I sit for about 10 minutes. "Its not nice to stair." He said peeking his eye open. "I was watching you sleep ." I said. Jack pulls me in to bed cuddling me. I feel warm but not as warm as earlier I snuggled closer to Jack .
"You where still stairing." He kissing my check."What ever." Closing my eyes again trying to fall back to sleep. He kisses my jaw line. Try to ignore him I keep my eyes closed .He places kisses down my neck. In a quick motion I turn and straddle over Jack. Jack grins at this and pulls me down in to a deep kiss. Jack starts to slide his fingers under my shirt tracing his fingers up and down my back. Pick my shirt up and over my head I through it across the room. Just as I do..."Breakfast i....sorry. didnt mean to interrupt anything." Blain said. I hide under the covers where Blain wont see me. Still on top of Jack. He rushes out,but I swear he had a smirk on his face when he left. Jack looks at me and I look at him. "I think breakfast is done." He says. About to get up. Jack pulls me back. Leaning forward kissing Jack again . "Its time to go. We both need food, and we dont want Blain to come back." I said. Starting to sit up. "You have a point. " Jack chuckles. But doesn't move . I get up and go to the door and lock it. "Or I can just do that." Morgan says running back to the bed. But before Morgan gets a chance. Jack pins me to the bed. Morgan struggles to get loss but has no chance against him . My head starts throbbing , then a film like tap starts coming in to  view "Hello beautiful so this is what my sons are so amused with these days ."I get slammed into a tree he has both my wrist and his grip is getting  tighter . Screaming out in pain."Morgan...Morgan."   
                        **Jacks POV**
She starts running to the bed before she gets the chance to get back on top of me I pick her up and pin her to the bed , but her face goes pail and is  starting blankly."Hey M you ok." I ask letting her wrist go. She starts screaming,Blain starts beating on the door . "Jack open up what's going on. Jack if you don't open up I'm a break the door down.Fuck it." Blain says . Not even a second later the door flys in ,and Blains next to me and and Morgan. " Morgan...Morgan...Morgan." He says her name repeatedly and shacking her. Her body jerks up and she becomes aware of her surroundings. I hold her close to my chest . She breaths heavily. "Are you ok M. What happened." I asked. "There was this  guy he slammed me against a tree and he said my sons are amused with you or something like that,and my head is hurting "  She says . "I'm going to take you to the doctors office.Ok." I say kissing her forehead. "Ok." She's say not even try to argue with me."Can you walk." Blain asks. "I think so." She says standing.  We get her to the car. "Give me a minute to talk to Blain."I say looking in her eyes. She just nods. Walking to Blain "Find that son of a bitch, I'm going to take her to the hospital." I say. "Ok I'll ask the twins for help even though I still don't trust them." He grinds his teeth.  Walking to the car. The ride to the hospital was quiet. I check her in and the doctor come in and out of her room they asked me to leave a couple of times, but Morgan insisted I stay except one time when she had to change. Staring at Morgans limp body . I here a knock at the door.  "Come in ." I whisper. The doctor walks through the door shuting it back. "Hey, M wake up. " I whisper to her. Her eyes creeps open. She sits up. "Hi Miss Morgan . It looks like you have a concoction and internal brushing. You will be ok just stay away from electronics and any bright light. You are good to go game whenever you want. Oh and I'm going to give you something for relaxation. "   He leaves and I follow stopping at the door.  "I'll be right out side get changed and I'll come get you. "  I assure her. A few minutes later Morgan steps out . "Can I go home." She asks. "Of course baby. Let's get you home ." I say . Again we sit in pure silence. I get her to her house ."Good night M see you tomorrow." I say. "Goodnight ." Morgan gives me a kiss on the check and goes in the house.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2021 ⏰

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