Happy Birthday Morgan.

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♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡It skips time alot right now.Just hang in there.  It will get to the vampires,werewolfs, kHz hybrids. It takes time to get to the jucey stuff. ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡                              
           (1 year and 3 months)  

              Morgan's P.O.V    
Today is my birthday. My second birthday with out my parents. I dont want to do anything. I hear a nock on the door. I jump up to see who it was. Toby was standing in the door way. "Happy birthday." Toby said. You can tell he was hiding something behind his back. He brings out two little boxes,and sits them on the bed. "I told you no gifts." I said. "I couldn't help it. Please just open it." He said. I open the first boxs. It had a diamond necklace. "I my goodness. This was probably expensive." I said. "Open the other one." Toby said. I opened it and it was diamond earings. "It is beautiful. Thank you" I said. "Dont tell Alex but shes got you a present to." Toby said. A few seconds later. Alex comes in the room with a card,and hands it to me. I open it. There where a few things in there. There was  a necklace,tickets,and a card. I look at the necklace first. "This was your moms. Maybe you can were it like you ware that one you got from Jack." Alex said. I started to blush at his name.We have been steady for a year and four months. Me and Blain hang out he's like my best friend now. Back to the subject ." Yes I will." I said. Looking at the neclase I was waring. Alex leaves me in my room to get ready. I hear Blain yelling my name. Jack haves been busy. Latly. "Come on up." I yell. " I'm on my way up." Blain said coming in to my house. "I need help choosing  an alfit."I said. "Let me Handel  this." Blain said. I had the perfect alfit. A black lether jacket with a red v-neck undershirt, and a black par of black riped jeans. That stuck to my body and showed all the right parts. "Thank you Blain." I go to  the  bathroom and changed. "You look hott.I mean wow." Blain said. "Thank you. You don't look bad your self." I said. We talk a little while more than my alarm goes off. "Time for school." Blain said with my phone in his hand. "How did you get my phone it was in my back pocket." I said starting to grin. Then my phone goes off again. This time it was an alert.I grab my phone out of his hand. Then looked at it. "What is it." Blain asked." Just another murders prsons report. " I said. For about a year and a half there's been a shit lodes of murders in are town. "Ooooo so nothing to important." Blain said. "If it was me on there you wolud look hight and low for the killer. Am I right." I said. His face hardens. "Of course i would and, Don't talk like that though." Blain said  the last part laughing and than he picks me up and starts tickling me. "Blain...... Blain stop." He stops and we go down stairs. "Hey sis.....Happy  Birthday." Toby said. "Toby shut up you asshole." I said. "What did I say." Toby said looking at me. "I don't want anyone calibrating it." I said. "That's nonsense we have to calibrate the day of your birth." Blain said. "See what I'm talking about." I said. "Sorry I said anything." Toby said walking passed me. "Blain we don't have to do anything for my birthday." I look at Blain. "To hell we don't. " Blain said. "Fine what are we going to be doing." I said rolling my eyes at him. "That's for me to know and you to find out." Blain said. We get in the car. "Sooo, I was thinking. . . For the party....." I said before I could finish Blain stops me. "Wait what party."Blain said. "I thoght I already told you about it."I said. "No but,please  do tell." Blain said. "Ok,you will be the first person to hear about this. I want you to help me plain a party. It's going to be on some privit land that I own..well my family owns. There's a big lake and all. What do you say." I said looking at him. "I say hell yaaa. Let's throgh a badass party." Blain said. "I got the food and the place. Can you get the invites and the music." I said. "I can handle that." Blain said. "Next Tuesday."I said. "Perfect." Blain said. We pull up to the school. "Go see what your boy toy is up to." Blain said. "He's not a 'boy toy' he's a human,and he's not mine. He is his own person.That I'm dating....dont forget to invite people. And tell them there will be alcoholic drinks and swimming" I said. "You can count on me."Blain said.
            /////Skip Time to where she  finds Jack/////

   "Hey,babe what you doing?"I say walking up behind him giving him a behind hug. In one quick motion he turns around,and grabs my waist. I tip tio and he leans in,as are lips meet I felt sparks.Then,we brack apart. "How's my little girl doing on her big day." Jack said. "Shhhh. I don't want to celebrate but Blain insisted me to do somthing,so.......me and Blain are throghing a party,at my parents old land it haves a lake,and there will be alcoholic drinks .."say the last  part really fast. "Well do you need any help?" Jack asked. "Can you pass the word around and help me set up." I asked. "Yes....Look the party is next Tuesday." I say. "Ok sweetie I got it.I still have to say it though. Happy birthday,and I love you" Jack said. "Ok you said it now that's over with...can you walk me to class."
"Of course I can." He said walking me to my first class.   
      ////it's in the afternoon and I'm at my house////
  I hear the bell ring, and I go  check how it was. "Ready." Blain said. "For what?" I asked. "Brithday dinner." Is all he said. "And I got you something ." He pulls out a gift bag behind his back. He looks at me and smiles. I look at him and gives him a confused look. "Just don't stand there...open it." Blain said. I rip the tissue paper out the top of the bag. I pull out  the most beautiful dress ever black and baby blue lace. With a black silky belt around it...it was the most gorgeous dress I have ever seen.

"Ooomg it gorgeous." I said.  "What are you waiting for......go put the dress on." He said. I go up the stair and change. It was perfect the way it fit like it was destined for me." If you don't get your cute lil ass down here I'm coming up there.'' Blain said.  I look at my self for the last time. I throgh up my hair in a mess bun. I head down stairs." I am coming." I said. I look up and Jack was standing there in front of me. Then I new what was going on. Blain and Jack where working with each other. Blain wolud distract me,and when I wolud go change Jack would come. Then,we would go on a date. "The dress is amazing Jack." I said. "That was all Blain,but I got you a necklace and earrings. " Jack said.

 " Jack said

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

"It's amazing Jack." I said. "No problem." He said giving me the box. I put them on and they looked perfect together.Then I go out the door.

Then I go out the door

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

     Jacks POV

Me and Blain put are differences an made a date for her birthday. I now that Blain is coming but we will spened her birthday together. I don't want to spened time with Blain, but it's Morgan's day. Plus Blain and Morgan got to be best friends. That means Blain I going through the plain. She can't find out...What we are......What we do,and how will I tell her. I can't just say 'Hey Morgan if you keep hanging out with Blain he's going to kill you to us your blood in a spell to bring his vampire girlfriend back to life,and did I mention that I'm also a vampire like Blain.Ohoh she lookes like you also,but I love you.' No that easy.Blain is becoming out of control with how many people he has killed. I have to stop him. Just not know. My gorgeous girlfriend haves the rest of the day to celebrate.

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