Bonding time

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                  Morgan P.O.V

I wake up with a headace. I get some ibrophoin from the counter. Then get in the shower. After a 15 minute shower. I get out and put a plain black T-shirt  with black ripped jeans that came to the bottom of  my ankles,and the wholes are from my thiy to above my ankle. When I get dressed I go down stairs. Toby's in the kitchen talking to Aunt Alex . I walk in they just stair at me. "What?" I asked. "Nothing." Alex said. "Toby please talk to me. I hate you don't talk to me...." I said. "Ummmm...Uumhhuuu...Morgan." Toby said. "No I'm not done you and aunt Alex are the only ones I have left. It feels like I'm losing you too. I need you. It's been one month and a week and I'm falling apart in peaces." I said Intrupting. My eyes are red and tears rolling down my face. "Morgan... I'm sorry for blaming it on you. Please stop crying." Toby said. "Thank you...Thank you.....I missed you so much." I said trying to stop crying and pull him in to a hug. "I miss you to sis." Toby said. My tears where almost completely gone,but not completely. "Hey... Morgan." Toby said. Alex left the room getting her shoes. "Uhhhhhh.... What." I said. Toby leans down and whispers in my ear. "You want too skip  school with me and go in to town." He whispers in my ear. I look at him we us to do that once a month we would skip a day of school. I guess he's trying to get back to normal. "Yes...I would love too.......,but what about Alex." I said. Toby started thinking. "Just say your taking us." Toby said. "Ok,Yaa that's perfect." I said. Alex come back in the room. "So how long until I'm taking y'all to school?" Alex spock up. She looked at me and Toby that was still hugging. "I'll take us." I said. "Are you shore." Alex said. "Yaaaaa,me and Morgan have to catch up." Toby said. "Yaa,I guess y'all do." Alex said. By this time I've stopped crying. "Plus do to you need to go finish some paper work from your job." I said jumping in to there conversation. "Yes,I do. I so forgot. What would I do with out you?" Alex said going in a none stopping sentence. Then she runs passed me. "Nice work." Toby said giving me a high five. Then do are secret hand shack. "Thank you.....I did well.....didn't I." I said bowing like a little lady. I go up stars and change. Then, we leave out the door. I grab the car keys and started the car. It was silent for a second. Then,Toby said. "How are you doing in school?" Toby asked. "I'm doing great... What about you." I asked Then we just keep talking.

                   Jack's P.O.V

I was at school waiting to see Morgan. The bell rang for first period. Blain walks in the room. I scan to see if Morgan was in her seat,but she wasn't. I walk up to Vive. "Hey do you know where Morgan is." I asked her. "No, is she not answering her phone." Vive said. "I didn't think about that." I said. I pull out my phone . I text her 'Where are you'  I wait a minute then text her again. 'Hey babe are you ok. Let me know.' I push send. Still no answer. " Vive she's not answering.' I said. "Calm down lover boy. She might not be feeling to hot. Just take  a deep breath."Vive said.  I take in a breath that I didn't know I was holding. "She's still not answering." I said. "Maybe her phone died." Vive said. "Ok, I better go back to my seat." I said turning around. "Bye lover boy." Vive said. "Bye Vive." I said walking to my seat. "Bye Jack." Emma said in a flirty comment. Emma had a crush on me since we first meet. It scares me a little bit,but I have to be nice to her for Morgan. The bell rings snapping my Attinchen to it.

               Morgan P.O.V

Toby and I where at the dip and dot ice cream shop. Toby made me turn off my phone so I couldn't text Jack. We talked all day so far . "Hey I need to go to the restroom. I'll be back in a minute." I told Toby. "Wait..... give me your phone." Toby said. Dang it. He caught me. "Can I at least tell Jack I'm ok." I said.  "" Toby said. "Please." I begged him. He stood there like he was thinking. "Maybe when you get back from the restroom." Toby said. I go to the restroom and do my stuff. Then ran back to Toby. "Can I call him." I asked. "No longer than a minute." Toby said giving me my phone back. I turn it on and click on Jack's name. 'Hey,babe I'm  alright my brother and I diched school for the day. You don't have to worry. Love you.' I texted.

                Blain's P.O.V
Morgan wasn't at school to day. I need to see if she's alright. She looks like her . My beautiful  gorgeous Kate. They look like identical twins. Same black hair and  blue  eyes. Same skin color exact. The same lagh and smile. What I would  do to hold her in my arms. The most beautiful vampire I ever known,but Morgan is human. Double gainer
I thought they where a mith,but it's right in front of my eyes. But...but there's somthing different about her. I haven't found out what but when I did it will stand out the most.  I have to be close too her. I start driving then I remember  that I don't know where she lives,soo I  choose  to go back to the house. I'll see her tomorrow,and Jack can't do nothing about it.  I'll  be close to her get like it or not Jack.

The CompilationOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora