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Jack and I was walking down the hall. Vive comes up."Soooo,are yall  like a couple now."She asked being Snoopy. "If you need to know......yes we are." I said. "OMG. I know it....I know it." She said with lots of exititment. "Ok... ok... ok...." I said looking at Vive. " Yes...yes....yes....yes." Vive said. "Why are you so happy." I asked. "Well you can't take him." Vive said with some sass. "Take who,Vive what are you going on about." I said rolling my eyes. "The new can't take him you now are off limits. We all have a chance of him now." Vive said when she minchines the new kid Jack tinssed up. "I don't." I said folding my arms. "Yes you do." Vive said her words laced with venom 💀💧💀💧💀 . "Name one." I yell back. "Jack,Trent,and a lot more want me to go on." Vive yells. I didn't notice I was at my locker. I had the locker open  I slam it shut and walk off. As I walk past Vive I bump her so hard that she hit the other lockers on the other side of the hallway. "Ooooppps I'm sorry.  You where in my way. Be careful." I said. I don't know what's been getting to me. Since I been hanging out with Jack every day after work and school I haven't been hanging out with Vive and Emma. But the doesn't  mean she can be a bitch to me. Then I started think. Do I really get all the new guys attention.  I'm sitting  in the first pireid. Thinking about what Vive said . I do..I do take all the guys. I took Jack,both Chris's,A.J,and lots of others. I have to appoligies to Vive. I hear the bell ring. First Period was over. I've been thinking for about  45 minutes. I walk up to Vive. "Vive I'm so sorry. I us to take all the new boys,but that's us  too. Not anymore. I promise." I said. "I'm sorry too." Vive said she gives me a huge. "Now the real news. Has the new kid came to any of your classes." I asked Vive. "You." Vive said. "No sign yet." I said the warning bell came on. It rolled around to third period. I sit in my desk like normal. I reach down in my bag. "Kate w-w-what are you doing here." A guy said his eyes become wide. "I'm sorry my-my name..... is Morgan Hust.." I said confused . Then I  sticked my hand out and shacking his hand. "Ooohh, I'm sorry you look like someone I us to now." He said. Taking my hand. "Your B-Bl-Blain I right." I said getting nervous rubbing my arm. "Yes I am." Blain said. I start to lighten up remembering that Jack and him know each other. "So when did you get here." I ask not shuddering any more.    
"Ummmm...last night."  Blain said. "Where do you come from." I asked. "Mississippi." Blain said. That reminded me of when me and Jack were hanging out,and he told me a little about Mississippi. "My boyfriend comes from Mississippi... His name is......" Before I could finish the bell rang. I went to leave and look for  Jack, but I didn't have to. He was waiting right out side the door. Blain walks behind me. I lock fingers with Jack. Blain looks at Jack than me than back at Jack. "This is my boyfriend." I said breaking the silence.  "Jack I miss you. You look good. You have a gorgeous girl and she's Intelegent too. Go big or go home right." Blain said. I look up at Jack he looked angry. "Are you ok J." I ask.  (my nic-name for Jack is J and my nic-name is a list so y'all might want to start counting.) After a few moments. " let's go baby girl he's not worth are breath." Jack said. "Come on I only just meet the little beauty." Blain said. "J I thought y'all where friends." I said. "Yaaaaaa we us to be not anymore." Jack said. "Ooohhhh,is that what he told you. Brother if your in a relationship with a girl don't lie too the little things." Blain said I seen a smirk appear on his face. "Wait he's you brother." I said stepping back away from Jack. "Yes,he is...I'm sorry I didn't tell you. Know Blain can you please, and I mean this in the nicest way...stay the hell away from me and stay away from my girlfriend. Know let's go babe" Jack said. "You can't keep her from me." Blain said as we walked away. "What was that all about?" I asked. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you that he is my brother." He said trying to change the subject. "Don't change the subject. What were y'all fighting about?" I said hitting his shoulder. "How about after school at the dinner." Jack said. "I can't... I have work. I'm working over time to night." I said. "Then,tomorrow. Is that fine." Jack said. "Ummm yes that's fine." I said as the bell rang for fouth period.
     (After school at the dinner.)
"May I take your order." I say to a man. I don't see his face. "Yes,can I have some chilli cheese fries." The man said. I remember his  voise from some where. I get his order and take it to him.  "Here's your order. Chilli cheese fries...." I said. Then I seen is wouldn't guess who it was.......... BLAIN LOVE "(love is Blain last name same as Jack.) "I heard that y'all serve some kick ass chilli cheese fries." Blain said,but he is right we do serve some bad ass chilli cheese fries. "Blain w-w-what are you doing here." I asked studdering." I could ask you the same,but  I can tell what's you doing here." Blain said. "Janet I'm on brack." I said. "Girl how many guys have you brong in the past month." She said. " haahaa one and that was Jack this one came on its own. I'm just going to hang out a little while. I am working over  time to night." I said. The rest of the night I hung out with Blain instead witch I knew was a bad idea.

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