Finding Morgan

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                      ***Blain' s P.O.V ***

Looking at the letter cover in Morgan's blood I try to think of a way to find her. I don't know .I can't think. Trying to clear my head Jack  appears in the corner of the of the room. "Where have you been. I've been trying to find her and your god now's where.  I need your help and your running the fucking woods." I shout. "I was trailing the smell it's a witch. Not that powerful but working for someone with lots of power." Jack said. "What the fuck are we going to do. Morgan probably knows what we are by now and it is  freaking me out." I said. "We search that's what we do."Marshall said barging in. "Ok let's go."I said. "Not like that. I need the paper with her blood on it and a candle and a map ." I look at him stupid when he said that. "Just trust him." Ethan said looking at me. I give it to him hesitant. Jack hands Marshall the candeal. Ethan pulled out a map. Placing  the items on the table they sit the paper on top of the map. Marshall is chanting something i dont understand. The paper with Morgans blood on it starts to flot. The candeals flam goes out. Circling a place on the map. Marshall looks up. "Here. Remember if she knows what you are she will be tarrafied of you and Jack. There it s a possible that she knows nothing,so dont show fangs or change your eye color and definitely do not do the super speedy thing eather." Eathen said. You can tell he is not agreeing with the deal we made but he is sticking with it. That's all that matters. We get to the location and Morgans sent is every where. So much that I cant sence where exactly where she is. "Damn it... What do we do now." Jack said running his hands through his hair. "We search for her." I said.
"How you doing over there lil bro ." I asked. "Well I cant find my girlfriend and her sent is every where and she can be hurt or worse so not that  good brother ."Jack said ranting on and on. "Let's keep searching I'm shore we will find her." I usher him. "No you wont."  little girls voice says . "Who are you." Jack yells."Alright give us Morgan and no one have to get hurt. No bloodshed we promise."I  said not knowing where to look. "Bloodshed isn't Morgan already bleeding though." You dont know what I can do." My eyes start glowing a silver  color. "That's so cute. Morgan's with me and she is watching you right now ." I stop in my tracks my eyes go back to there normal color. "What do you want with Morgan." I stay in the same place. Jack is just starting at something beside him. "Its a grimlock Blaine." Jack yells. "That's insain only one person can make Grimlock shit.... DAD.!.!." I yell out . "Guilty as charged." I see him appear out of the blue. His black hair that reminds me of mine and his green eyes like Jack. "Where is she." I said calm as I could be. "Let me see her." Jack said. "Yall are pitiful.  You letting a stupid girl make you weak. My sons will be men and no girl will stop that." He said. "You lost the right to call us your sons when you started making your vampire/witch/hunters. Your trying to kill us."I yell.  "Son your not alive so I wont be killing you. Once you die that's suppose to be it you shouldn't come back to life." He said. "Well, what does Morgan have to do with any of this. Shes human." Jack said. "Because he knew we would come." I replied. "Well you have us now let her go she knows nothing ." Jack pleads. "She now plenty now." You can since the smirk he held on his smug face. I try to control myself,but my eyes flicker to red, silver,black and if you paid attention you can see the  pink. "Aww. Now Blain is that how you want your little thing to find out what you are." My dad said. My eyes stop again. "Leave her out of this." I yelled. Morgan flys towards me. Catching her she looks at me. "They had a horn on there  head and purple eyes. " Morgan looked  terrified. "This isn't over my dear sons. I think you have some explaining to do." Is all he said then nothing just silence. I scupped her up on my arms and Jack and I walked in the same silence as when I picked up Morgan.
  I lyed with Morgan on the couch because she fell a sleep. When I tried to put her down she barred her head in my chest and held on as tight as she could. Jack is cooling off trying to find where are dad could be. The twins helped me with a spell to heal  Morgan. I dont really know any witches so it's new. I dont now how to explain this to her. I ly there with her in my arms. I cant be in love with her shes Jack's girlfriend not mine.  Trying again to get out of her grip. Failing again. I tryed at least. Grimlocks great that's all we need sharp clawed black eyed freaks,how fantastic is that. Then, we have the witches I still dont trust yet. I mean I tryed to kill one of them,but they helped us find Morgan. Looking down you can see the tear stains on her cheacks. I hear Jack through something across his bedroom. I look at Marshal he gets what I'm saying and goes and checks on Jack. Morgan starts to move closer to my chest. I fell limp and listened to her heart beat. She is so fradual. At first when she grabbed me I felt uncomfortable,but after about 30 minutes I got confrertble and slowly dowse off.

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