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Elle ✽ 

"Elle" my mother exclaimed embracing me into a hug all these hugs were way too much for me to handle right now but I went along with it anyways, "Hi mum, it's so good to see you" I replied, "You've changed so much" she said tears starting to well in her eyes "Relax mum I only dyed my hair blonde" I said laughing was she always this emotional?.

"Is that my daughter I hear?" my dad ask from the kitchen, "Dad" I yell running into the kitchen were I was pulled into a hug "we missed you kiddo" he whispered into my hair "I missed you too" I whispered pulling away.

My room hadn't changed at all I was expecting to come back and find out my mum turned it into a sewing room or something, well thats what I hoped.... but instead it was the same room that brought back so many memories my eyes glanced over to the cork board on the opposite side of the room. I looked at all the photos laughing at some of me and Lexi did we really think we were cool?, until my eyes fell onto ones of me and Luke a pain spiked in my chest and made my eyes well up with tears.


"Luke what are you doing?" I asked jumping off my bed and wrapping my arms around his waist "I'm putting up a memory board where you can hang up pictures of your friends, family and me" he said blushing and turning around to look at me."Aw that's so cute" I said hiding my head in the crook of his neck "I love you, Ell's" he stammered rubbing small circles into my back "and I love you Luke".


I tried to stop thinking about it as I wiped the corners of my eyes I think I was extra emotional because of the Jet lag it was much later in Los Angeles then it is in Australia so I decided to have a nap I crawled into my bed trying my best to block out the sadness I felt but all that was in my mind was him.

"Elle, Elle wake up", I woke up tears streaming down my face "Luke" I screamed having a panic attack "Oh Elle" my mum said pulling me into a hug "He promised" I said bursting into tears, "I know Elle, I know" my mother said rubbing my back as I continued to cry in to her shoulder.

She packed away all the photos. Mum thought it would be for the best if I couldn't see them, I tried to do it but I couldn't it was way too hard.

I left the room and walked down the stairs to the kitchen to grab a glass of water, when I felt my phone ring;

I slid the green button across not looking at who was calling,

"Hello" I answered taking a sip of my water.

"Hi, is this Elle?" the caller asked from the other end of the phone.

"Yes, it is" I replied my voice sounding groggy from all the crying I did earlier.

"Great, my names Jon Hoeg and I've heard that you're my new assistant photographer" he stated laughing through the phone.

"Oh, my god, I'm sorry I didn't sound so enthusiastic before" I replied mentally face palming myself.

"That's okay, well I'm calling you to tell you that you start tomorrow you're going to be taking pictures of a band for me because I have other errands to run, I'll send you the information of where through text".

"Okay, Thank you Mr Hoeg for this opportunity".

"Please call me Jon anyways the band said they liked your stuff we showed them a couple photos you took at UCLA and they loved them" he stated.

"Wow" I said amazed that someone took time to look at my old stuff.

"Anyways, have a good afternoon Elle" Jon said before hanging up.

Did that just happen, a smile formed on my face an actual smile "Mum, Dad" I yelled they both ran down the stairs "Sweetie, what's wrong" mum said looking worried "Nothing, just that I'm taking pictures of a band for my boss tomorrow" I screamed excitedly. "Oh, my god, oh my god" my mum screamed "This is the best news ever" my father said pulling my mum and me into a hug.

To celebrate my great news my parents took me out for dinner in the city I hadn't seen much of the city since I got back but it still looked as beautiful as ever.


"Luke, where are we going?" I asked questionably as he put his hands over my eyes.

"You'll just have to wait" he replied laughing I could tell he was nervous because his hands were shaking.

I laughed. "This better not be your way of murdering me" suddenly we came to a stop.

He released his hands to reveal the breathtaking city that I called home we were at a park with a cute picnic set up "Luke" I explained my voice cracking "You don't like it do you" he started rambling on about how stupid he was "I love it" I said burying my head into the crook of his neck "Thank you" I whispered he didn't say anything he just gripped onto my waist tighter.


"Thank you, guys, for dinner", "It's okay Elle, Goodnight" my mother and father said wrapping me into a hug "Goodnight" I replied walking into my bedroom closing the door slowly behind me.

I got changed into my pyjamas wrapping my hair up into a messy bun and placing my glasses onto the frame of my face, I hadn't unpacked as much as I wanted and I was far too lazy to attempt to so I decided to grab the necessity's my Mac Book, cameras and film I decided to turn on my Spotify and pack everything I needed for tomorrow.

Jon had messaged me earlier that night to give me the information of where I was taking the photos it wasn't too far away so I only had to leave half an hour before the band is supposed to arrive I still didn't know who the band was but I didn't want to annoy Jon anymore so I didn't bother asking.

This part is pretty long since I only post once every 2 weeks so :) please vote and comment what you think

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