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He wasn't supposed to come back. Why did he come back? The only thing I knew was that I was in fact lying in a hospital bed cords connected to my arms and a nonstop beeping sound ringing in my ears, I have only been awake for a couple moments but it was enough time for me to realise someone was holding my hand my vision was blurry so I couldn't quite make out the figure who was sitting in the chair beside me I continued to look around the room as I felt the hand holding mine grip onto me tighter my eyes glanced over at the figure that was now in focus, Luke.

Somehow, he hadn't noticed I was awake his eyes were focused on our hands it was completely silent, I shifted my hand away as I tried to escape his firm grip his blue irises slowly met mine "Ell's?" he sniffled as a tear rolled down his cheek.

"Why are you here?" I sighed "Only immediate family is allowed in" my tone showed no remorse but I knew I couldn't let him get back into my head, he shrugged his shoulders as his eyes shifted to the floor "I know but they made an exception for boyfriends also" my breathing hitched.

"Luke you're not my boyfriend anymore!" his focus remained on the floor "We never officially broke up though..." He whispered, "Luke you left okay, you left me your girlfriend that's a breakup" I shouted, his eyes left the floor as they met mine "But." "Just leave" I whispered holding back tears his face dropped "Ell's" he whispered his voice breaking as he reached for my hand "Luke please leave!" I shouted tears rolling down my face he looked at me for a few seconds tears filling his eyes "I will be outside if you need me" he whispered his eyes were no longer a shade of blue but grey.


"Luke, please don't he's not worth it" I whispered putting my hands behind his neck he looked between Me and Codan he's jaw clenched as he made eye contact with Codan, "Hey, look at me" I said placing my hand on the side of his face his blue irises meeting mine"Walk away, for me" he looked between Me and Codan one more time before nodding, I smiled lightly as I interlaced my fingers with his but of course nothing could ever end that smoothly with Codan he was known for picking fights with everyone but for some reason he got the most pleasure out of picking on Luke.

One thing led to another and soon enough Me and Luke were both laying in a hospital bed as we ate fruit cups and watched re-runs of 'How I met your mother' every now and then the nurses would come in to check on Luke but other than that it wasn't as bad as It could've been that was the first fight I had seen Luke loose against Codan.

I tried not to think about it but I couldn't think about anything else "Luke?" I whispered turning to face him "Hmm?" he mummered "Why did you just let Codan beat you up this bad?" I asked curiously "Well Ell's for one you told me to walk away and I couldn't and two I really like the fruit cups here" He stated grabbing my fruit cup and eating a bit of it.

"You're such a dork" I giggled.

"But you love me" he whispered back.

And he was right I did.


People came in and out of the room but Luke never did it broke me in some way or another but I knew he was still out there, everyone who came in mentioned a boy in the hallway but I lied and told them I had never seen him in my life and I knew that the boy on the other side of the wall heard me and I felt his heart crumble too.

Midnight was my least favourite time of the day it was the time I would think about him it would be easy to distract myself but in the situation, I was currently in it would be hard not to the urge to sleep was tempting, I decided to give in to temptation and I guess Luke did too.

The hospital door slowly creaked open showing a silhouette of a very tired looking Luke he walked back over to the chair he was sitting in earlier it was currently winter which meant the nights were cold and by the look of his pale face I could tell he was freezing and I knew he deserved 'Dick Elle' but I couldn't do that sadly most of my heart wanted to be 'Loving Elle' to him and that's who I decided to be, I slowly sat up grabbing one of the blankets from the edge of the bed Luke watched but said nothing as I made my way over to him placing the blanket over him his eyes looked into mine as he mouthed a thank you, I nodded as I made my way back to the bed I decided to turn on the tv to muffle out the uncomfortable silence.

Of course the first thing that appeared on the Tv was none other than How I Met Your Mother.

Thankyou for reading this chapter of Polaroid don't forget to comment and vote okay thats all bye love ya xx


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