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I grabbed onto him like he would disappear and he did . Everything did as i felt myself being shaken up.

"Elle, wake up you have an hour till you need to be at the airport".

My eyes slowly opened to see my best friend scurrying around my room practically jumping into the clothes she wore the day before, her unnatural hazel brown hair covering her face.

Slowly rising off my bed I grabbed my phone to check the actual time it was 7:43 in the morning I needed to be at the airport sometime around 8:40 since our plane departed from Sydney to London at 9:30.

"Shit" I screamed quickly running to my dresser to grab some clothes.

"So where are you guys stopping at first?" Lexi questioned as she made my bed since she was already dressed.

"London" I replied to focused on trying to clip my bra as my fingers fumbled with the back.

"Are you serious that's over a day worth of flying?!?!" Lexi screamed.

Even in the morning she was the most dramatic person I have ever met.

I sighed as I pulled up my nike sweatpants that I decided to match with my UCLA shirt and some black vans.

"Actually only 23 hours and 10 minutes if there's no delays or stop overs" I retorted smiling over at her as I hurriedly tied my hair into a ponytail.

"Anywayss" Lexi replied "You realise you are going to have to spend 23 hours on a plane with Luke?".

As I put on my glasses too lazy to actually try and put my contacts in I responded, "Yeah and I'm going to be spending a good 6 months with him as well doesn't mean I have to actually talk to him, anyways the other boys seem nice" I lightly smiled as I looked around my room making sure I had everything I needed.

"Okay well that's good I guess" she whispered.

"Yeah it is" I whispered back.

"Anyways it's time to go" I said trying to zone out the fact I was going to be on a plane for 23 hours.


The goodbyes to my parents were actually easier than I expected they didn't seem sad they actually seemed really happy as they both gave me kisses on the cheeks and embraced me while whispering various 'I love you's' and 'Stay safe's' they even stood outside and waved as we pulled out of the driveway.

It was easier this way since last time I left they dropped me off at the airport and they were both emotional wrecks so we all came to the agreement that Lexi would drop me off or who my parents like to call Alexis because well that was her name but it sounds too foreign to me to ever call her that.

As we pulled out of the driveway my heart sank. I was leaving my family and my  best friend for six months to tour with a band whom happened to have a band member that was my ex boyfriend and my first love!!

What the f*ck am I thinking?


"Where is she?" Our manager muttered under her breath.

We had all arrived at the airport on time for once we all looked like we were homeless but none the less we were at the airport.

It was around 10 past 9 and me and the boys had all said goodbye to our parents none of us cried except for Ashton but he always got emotional whenever we had to leave, he was now lounging on one of the uncomfortable plastic chairs with his head laying on Calum's shoulder they were both exhausted. None of us were morning people but trust me they were the worst.

I looked through the crowd of people for her, it wasn't that she was late but no one had heard from her and our manager and Hoeg were beyond panicked but I kept my mouth shut as Me and Michael looked through the crowd.

"Maybe she decided not to come" Michael whispered in hopes no one else would hear besides me.

"I don't think so" I whispered back not averting my gaze from the crowd of people rushing through the airport.

"I wouldn't if I were her after what you did" he scoffed back.

"Shut the f*ck up, Michael" I yelled angrily back. I was already scared she wouldn't come and even if she did how would she act I couldn't handle seeing her cry again and Michael was well and truly getting on my nerves.

"Ummm sorry I'm late" I heard a soft voice say from behind me.

"It's okay Elle we were just worried" Hoeg replied back.

Both Michael and me turned around as she nodded at Hoeg.

I took in her appearance as she seemed not to notice our prescience yet, her unnaturally blonde hair was tied up into a high ponytail as her glasses framed her face perfectly making her greyish eyes seem more vibrant then ever in comparison to her lazy outfit that matched all of ours perfectly yet somehow she looked more put together than all of us.

"Ashton, Calum, Luke and Michael please crowd around me" our manager said as kindly as she could through gritted teeth.

Michael walked over and tapped Calum and Ashton lightly as they both woke up slowly walking over to our manager as did I, we all stood in silence as she handed us our passports and our plane tickets.

"Okay so you guys are all kind of scattered around the plane" our manager stated as she looked at all of us.

"Me and Hoeg are at the very front of the plane while you guys are in the middle and the back of the plane, so Calum and Ashton you guys are at the back near a window" our manager stated as both boys smiled at each other.

"Now Michael, Luke and Elle you guys are in the middle near a window seat" I made eye contact with Michael as we slowly nodded, As I turned back to look out our manager my eyes met with Elle's I smiled at her as she gave me a light smile and a nod.

Maybe this wouldn't be as bad as I expected it to be she seemed civil enough with me being around.

Hi I hope you guys all enjoyed this part please vote and comment on this chapter if you liked it and what are your opinions on Elle?

Also Calum and Ashton are going to be hella cute best friends in this book just saying!!!

Okay ily thankyou for reading xx

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2018 ⏰

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