Chapter 10 - Dangerous games

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---Viper's POV---

I raised my eyebrows as the blonde glared at me with such poisonous intensity that for a brief moment, I wondered what her issue was. She stomped down the street on her high heels while shrieking loudly in the cellphone against her ear, demanding someone to pick her up.

Shaking my head slightly, I slowly made my way to the correct address but made sure to walk past the house. You never knew who looking or if someone was following you. The sun was bearing down on my face before I reached up and pulled the hat a bit lower on my head, creating a bit of shade to loom over my eyes.

The tiny movement jolted my shoulder, which made me clench my fist tightly at the sharp stab of pain before I slightly adjusted the sling on my arm, winching as it scraped against the barely healed wounds.

The doctors weren't too happy to let me go but I simply told them I was going back home to my ranch, with or without their permission. As long as I rested, didn't move my shoulder and made sure that I wasn't too long on my feet, I was good to go.

As soon as I was at the corner of the street, I turned around, acting as if I was lost while I knew exactly where I was. A car passed by but didn't seem suspicious to me as I quickly glanced over the inhabitants, smiling slightly at the child in the backseat before the car made a turn and entered a driveway.

They were neighbors, clearly, and living here for quite some time, judging from the weathered swing and the tree house that was maintained quite well. I walked ahead, making sure that I wasn't drawing attention but I was safe; the street was virtually empty beside an elderly couple enjoying the sunny day from their porch.

I smiled politely at them, earning myself a nod and warm smile back before I walked back to Ashton's house. With purposeful strides, I was at the door in minutes and gave a polite knock, waiting for a few moments before knocking again.

Moving feet behind the door made me take a step back, looking down even though I was standing on a lower step as a young man opened the door, seemingly angry before he looked surprised.

The young man sighed, shook his brown hair our of his face before pinching his nose and groaning in frustration. He looked back up at me and smiled apologetically, "I'm sorry for being rude a moment ago, honestly, I expected someone else was still standing here."

I assessed him with a deep and intrusive look before smiling, "No problem sir. I need to speak with Sage Martinez for a moment, if I may?" His hazel eyes scanned my face curiously while he shifted his weight before he looked behind him.

A low chuckle escaped my throat as I dipped my head slightly before looking back up. Unknowingly to Sage here, he gave away the fact that he was the person I needed by not reacting instantly to ask me why I needed to talk to him or not going to look for the person.

That and by looking behind him, he assured me that someone else was listening in on the conversation. Sage looked back up at my chuckle and frowned slightly. "Pardon my manners sir, but you better ask whoever is hangin' back there to come here. I'd rather know who I'm speaking to."

A chortle filled the air before Declan walked out of the shadow and stepped closer to me before halting. "Shit Viper, you look like hell. Why are you here?" I smiled but shook my head slightly whilst saying, "Mind if I come in? Had a long 'n tiresome day..."

Declan sighed and smiled warmly at Sage, which made me pause slightly before clicking with my tongue. Declan instantly eyed me curiously before shaking his head. "Its okay Sage, he's a friend." The young man scoffed slightly, "No, really? I didn't notice...maybe you shouldn't use his codename in front of strangers."

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