Chapter 19 - (Dis)Honorably discharged

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--Samuel’s POV---

I sighed softly at the feeling of the cuffs around my wrists as I was brought back in. Everyone was giving me looks of compassion and pity while I stared at my fists. My hands burned and twitched as I thought back at that son of a bitch…

He hadn’t expected me to come find him but as soon as he saw my face, he knew why I was there. Too bad that I wasn’t a sadistic bastard like he was, because I would’ve enjoyed torturing him for what he’d done to my family.


“My gorgeous wife…and my little girl.” My mind was reeling as the two soldiers behind me pulled me along until I was seated in front of a worn wooden desk. I straightened in my seat and blinked when I realized the other teams were in here as well…along with our superiors and the President.

This isn’t how things normally go… My eyes flashed back and forth, observing every movement, every twitch and microscopic change in their expressions as I tried to find out what was going on. Normally I should’ve been hauled into jail, debriefed and face the consequences of my actions.

“Please.” The President said politely as he gestured towards the cuffs that held my arms behind my back. The soldiers quickly removed the metal from my wrists so I could sit more comfortably.

I rubbed my wrists as I glanced at Josh and Declan, trying to probe my position in this situation. Judging by the tense smile that Declan shot me and the way Josh glanced from me and the president, things weren’t that bad…but they weren’t good either.

“Evening gentlemen.” I focused back on the president as he leaned back, placing his fingertips together in thought. “You can imagine my surprise when my meeting with the Vice-President was cut short by our troops. I’ve been explained what has been going on behind the scenes and I’m astonished that it has gone on for this long.”

Killjoy smirked slightly but didn’t respond; he was too busy looking around the presidential suite with a hint of disdain in his eyes. His head swiveled back towards the influential man as he stated, “Why hasn’t anyone notified the higher ups? I’m sure that the Secretary of Defense would’ve offered your troops some help.”

“He was compromised, Sir.”

The president blinked in shock, “The intelligence services?”

“Compromised. Not all of them but there were enough for the enemy to get the Intel he needed.” I stated dully before adding, “The Black Sun was smart and didn’t focus on just the higher ups. There were members of the police, FBI, CIA, DARPA and PFPA… Do I need to continue?”

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