Chapter 2: Returning the Favor

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The next day, I left the Common Room early, hoping to get a nice early start to my morning. I was one of the few that were already up and at breakfast. This proves that more people like sleeping in, no matter what day it is.

As I reached the bottom of the stairs, I saw three hooded figures leaning against the wall, staring at me from under their hoods. The one that stood in the middle nudged the other two and pointed at me. I heard one of them mutter something under their breath while the other two laughed. I turned away and tried to ignore them.

But, it wasn't long until I heard footsteps behind me.

I turned a corner and continued to walk down a hall I'd never been to. They were hot on my trail. I turned a corner, hoping to lead them off, but I was wrong.

I had reached a dead end.

I was trapped.

"You've got nowhere to run, sweetheart," said a cold, sinister voice. I slowly turned around.

The voice was fairly low in register, too low to be a girl but too high to be a full grown man.

"Who are you?" I asked as I began to withdraw my wand.

"Expelliarmus!" he cried. My wand flew out of my hand and clattered to the floor. I tried to grab it, but he gave his wand a soft flick and a powerful force knocked me into a corner. The figure approached me and removed his hood.

Bright blond bangs fell over his deep grey eyes. His skin was paler than the winter snow and his lips were curled up in an evil smirk.

"Don't even try," he hissed, blowing his scorching hot breath into my face. "I love a day when a new student comes along. Gives me an excuse to have a little fun! You gonna come quietly, Newbie?"

"Get the hell away from me!" I cried. I kicked my feet up, and my left foot connected with his face.

The boy cried out in unimaginable pain, clutching his nose as he tried to regain his balance.

"Don't dust stand dere!" he shouted, his voice muffled by his bloody nose. "Addack her!"

Flashes of light were whizzing around me. I wasn't sure where to move to. Another powerful force knocked me against the wall. I felt something sharp cut my forehead. I screamed the loudest scream I'd ever screamed before. I screamed in both pain, and for help.

"Get away from her, you self-righteous git!" came a voice from behind them. My vision was too blurred to see anything.

"Dis is none of your concern, Scar-Head!" cried the boy, his hand and face caked with blood.

Scar-Head? I thought. And then I knew.


"Malfoy, if you so much as lay a finger on her I'll---!"

"You'll do whad?" he growled.

A soft groan escaped my lips. I heard Harry shout, "Stupify!"

I covered my eyes with my hands. Three separate thuds sounded against the stone floor followed by three separate and desperate gasps for air.

"We' wid you lader, Podder!" the boy called Malfoy gasped breathlessly as he fled down the hall. "Don't dink dis is over, new girl!"

Their footsteps faded, and then they were gone.

I passed out on the floor. 

He carried me all the way to the other side of the castle to the hospital. I felt his hands slip away as I was put on the bed.

"I think you should be going, Mr. Potter," said the voice of Madame Pomfrey, the school's physician. "She'll be alright. She's in good hands."

I groaned and raised a trembling hand.

"N-no," I whispered.

"Cassidy!" Harry cried. "Thank God, you're alright."

"No," I mumbled dryly. "N-no. Harry...stay, Harry. Please." I felt his hand slide into mine and wrap his fingers around my wrist.

"I'm here," he said. "I'll stay."

"But, Mr. Potter," objected Madame Pomfrey, "you have to get going. I bet you haven't been down to breakfast yet and class starts in twenty minutes."

"Please," he begged, "let me stay at least a couple of minutes."

Madame Pomfrey gave him a look that signified she was going to kick him out, but eventually sighed and said, "Very well. Ten minutes."

"Thank you," I said tremblingly.

"Shh," said Harry, "don't strain yourself. You're in pain."

"But, I have tell you what...happened," I said, trying to sit up. I winced.

"Take it easy, Cassidy," he said, placing a gentle hand on my shoulder. "You're banged up pretty badly. You have a minor concussion and a pretty big cut on your head."

I ran my fingers along the rough bandage that was stuck securely to the side of my head.

"Oh," I groaned. "I swear, when I get out of here, I'm going to give that...arrogant arse a piece of my mind!"

"Oh, don't worry about Malfoy," said Harry. "Karma will get back at him for you in time."

"You sound so sure," I said with a sly and playful grin. Harry's face turned pink.

"Oh, uh," he stammered. "Well, I...uh, I watch out for my friends all the time." He scratched his head nervously like he was embarrassed. I smiled.

I couldn't believe my ears. He cared a lot more than I thought. And he knew it, too! Did he...did he like me?

Did I like him?

"I guess I returned the favor," he said. "You saved mine, I saved yours." He grinned. I smiled weakly and nodded a little.

"I guess you could say that," I said, more to myself than to him.

"Mr. Potter," called Madame Pomfrey from her office. Harry turned in her direction to see she was tapping her watch rapidly. Harry sighed.

"I've got to get going," he said, looking back at me. "I promise we'll all come visit you again sometime today. Stay safe, okay?"

I nodded. He gave me one last smile and hurried out of the room.

Madame Pomfrey then turned to me. "Now, Ms. McGrew, could you please explain to me what happened?"


Hey guys, Clarisse here! Just wanted to say hey and what up and all that shoop. Anyway I would really like to get some more people to read this story so PLEASE TELL ALL YOUR POTTERHEADS AND POTTER FANS TO COME READ THIS! It would mean a lot to me!! Well that aside, as usual be nice to people and stay sparkly!


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