Chapter 16: A Summer's Journey Home

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The sun beat down upon our necks as we all walked towards the train with our suitcases and rucksacks. The primrose was still tucked up neatly in my hair with the long braid running down my back. One of my hands carried a suitcase and a bag, the other held on to Harry's hand.

We tossed our belongings into the cargo hold as we boarded the train. Harry and I sat in an empty compartment while Ron, Hermione, and Ginny squeezed into the compartment next to us. Harry was too busy waving goodbye to the teachers outside that he did not notice Draco standing outside our compartment. His eyes met mine and he smiled, noticing the primrose in my hair. I stood up from my seat and threw my arms around him in a hug, not caring who saw.

Draco drew his breath in shock, but responded with just as much enthusiasm as I had. He wrapped his arms around my back with his chin resting on my head. He rocked me back and forth in his arms just like on the day he gave me the primrose. He whispered in my ear.

"I'll miss you," he said. I could sense the sadness in his voice. "I'll miss you so much."

"I know," I replied, sounding choked up. "I'll miss you, too." The words were out before I could stop them. "I love you."

Draco did not hesitate to reply. "I love you, too. More than anything." He kissed my forehead before turning away towards the Slytherin section of the train.

Tears were slipping down my cheeks when I sat back down in the compartment with Harry. Harry's thumb brushed one of them away. I looked at him. His eyes met mine and he gave me a small smile of reassurance.

"It'll be okay," he said. I nodded.

Had he not heard what I said to Draco? I hoped he hadn't.

He wrapped his arm around me and pulled me in closer to him. I snuggled up against his side with his arm still draped around me. The last things I felt was his kiss on my cheek and the train pulling out as my eyelids pulled me into sleep. 


I must've been asleep for a while because when I opened my eyes again, we were pulling in to King's Cross Station. Harry's arm was still draped across my shoulders as I sat up.

"Morning, Sleeping Beauty," he said smugly as he kissed my cheek. I giggled softly.

Harry took my hand and led me off the train to the cargo hold to get our belongings. With my suitcase and bag in one hand and Harry's hand in the other, I closed my eyes and slid gracefully through the Barrier to the Muggle train station.

The families were waiting. Hermione's parents ran over to her and greeted her with warm hugs. The entire Weasley clan completely covered Ron, Ginny and the twins in hugs and kisses.

A man in a business-like suit was standing off to the side and he seemed to be looking at Harry. His curly black hair touched his shoulders and his chin and upper lip stubble was beginning to show again.

"Harry!" I whispered, nudging him in the ribs. "Look!"

Harry's eyes met the man's. Harry gasped and ran over to him and let his arms wrap longingly around the man's waist.

"Sirius!" he gasped excitedly. The man chuckled in reply.

"Thank goodness I found you," said Sirius. "I was worried I had the wrong address."

"Have my aunt and uncle been about?" Harry asked, seeming hopeful that Sirius would say no. To my surprise and Harry's, he said just that.


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