While The Team's Away, The Koganes Will Play

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I groaned as I flopped backwards on to my back out of frustration.

"Bite off more than you can chew Soph?" Keith asked as he squatted beside me.

"Unexpectedly. The Arusians' tech is light years ahead of ours. I'll have to completely relearn literally everything I know as a mechanic in order to fix anything on this planet." I replied.

"Maybe I could be of assistance with that. The castle has a library of every book that was ever written on Arus. At least one of them should be able to help you. You might need some help with translations which Coran or I can help with but otherwise we're probably of no use to you." Allura spoke up.

"That's the best idea I've heard all day. About a million times better than "hey look it's a giant blue lion, let's go touch it and climb inside it." Thank-you Lance for that. No offense Allura."

"None taken. It's all a lot to process I'm sure." She nodded.

"Well, if you need me I'll be in the library. Keith keep Allura company for me." I said as I jumped up.

"But Sophie-" Keith started to protest.

"Nope. Zip it Keith. Stop complaining and keep the beautiful princess company."

I walked out before he could protest again.

"A beautiful princess and he tries to get out of being near her. Pft Keith you need to get your priorities straight, even if I am your sister." I laughed to myself as I walked down the hall.


I returned to the command center after less than an hour of searching and reading.

Despite being in an alien language I had had no need for Coran or Allura for translations. My brain had seemed to automatically do it for me.


"So you and Sophie are quite close then? I mean I see how you are with each other and the little things that others might often miss, but I can't yet figure out why." Allura was saying.

I froze just outside the door.

"Uh... yeah, we're really close. Um... well our parents both died when Sophie and I were young so I've raised her ever since. I don't regret any of it but I wish she could've had a normal childhood and could've continued her schooling instead of having to sneak into Galaxy Garrison and being taught by a bunch of mechanics. She means so much to me but I can't give her anymore than what we already have on Earth." Keith responded.

"Keith, Arus is not Earth. There might not be too many Arusians left but know that we will do everything we can to make you feel welcome here. And if you would like, you're welcome to stay on Arus as long as you'd like." Allura smiled.

"Thanks Princess. Hey is there a possibility that there are more Arusians left but they're also in stasis?"

"Well the castles would block out any life signals from stasis pods."

"Castles? As in plural?" Keith asked.

"Yes. The Castle of Lions is the castle of the Storm Kingdom, there are four other kingdoms that still exist and another that has fallen to legend its been missing so long. Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, and Creation." Allura explained.

"How far are they from here?"

"Not too far by the tunnels but I'm not sure how long above ground, the roads could no longer even exist at this point." Allura replied.

"Then perhaps we should look into it. We still have over an hour before the wormhole closes so why not." I spoke up as I walked into the room.

"Coran could take you to the closest kingdom. It's the Fire Kingdom, Princess Mani (Ma-Nee)."

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