Decisions To Be Made

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Sophie: Wrenches and Lance

Sophie groaned for about the seventh time as Lance drown on.

"Will you shut up already!" Mani snapped as she plopped down beside Sophie.

Lance glared at her until Sophie shot him a death glare and he walked over to Hunk and Pidge.

"Thank god." Sophie sighed as she relaxed.

"Yes he is rather annoying isn't he? Is he always like that?" Mani questioned.

"Yeah. Well... actually no. Just mostly but he does have his moments that make him worth keeping around." Sophie responded.

"You like him don't you?"

Sophie jumped about three feet in the air and smacked her head on the console above her.

"WHAT?" She demanded as she stood and rubbed her now sore head.

"It's quite obvious judging by your facial expressions." Mani shrugged.

"I do NOT like him at all! Not in the slightest! I have to fight the urge to chuck wrenches at him every time he opens his mouth!" Sophie rambled off drawing the attention of the others.

"Who does Sophie like?" Pidge questioned as he adjusted his glasses.

"No on-"



Most of the Arusians looked horrified.

Meanwhile Mani sat there rather pleased with herself, "Even using the same insults as him."

"I will strangle you as you dangle over the edge of the top of the castle." Sophie glared.

"Oh I'm so scared." The sarcasm dripped from her voice like honey.

Sophie had to be held back as she tried to come at Mani with a wrench.

"Where did she get the wrench?" Hunk questioned as he, Pidge, and Shiro looked on.

Keith was struggling to hold his sister at bay until Lance wrapped his arms around her waist and helped him pull her back.

If the whole thing has been part of one of those old-fashioned cartoons Sophie would've been breathing fire as she cursed out the Arusian princess who sat there rather smugly.

"I must apologize for my lady's behavior. She finds joy in getting a rise out of people." Jacob bowed as he stepped between Sophie and Mani.

Sophie paused to stare at him quizzingly.

It was then the girl became aware of who was still holding her back.

"Lance let go of me!" She barked.

"No. You'll try to get at Mani again." Lance replied.

No one tried to save Lance as he was ripped from Sophie and hoisted above her head.

Allura came in just in time to see Lance be chucked at Mani and Jacob catch him with ease.

"What's going on out here?" Allura demanded.

"Mani was claiming that Sophie likes Lance to get a rise out of her. It worked and ended with Lance being used as a weapon. How did she manage that by the way?" Alsac explained.

"She's a mechanic. She used to handle machinery five times the size Hunk on a daily basis." Keith shrugged totally unfazed by his sister's behavior.

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