Red, Black, And Voltron

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"Attention, Galra ship. Do not fire. We're surrendering our lions." Lance announced to the Galra.

He and Hunk were floating their lions in front of the ship.

"Hope this works." Lance whispered.

"While Sendak is distracted, Keith, Pidge, and I will sneak onto the ship in the Green Lion. Keith and I will find the Red Lion while Pidge guards our exit. Hunk, Lance, find some way to take down that ion cannon." Shiro's plan echoed in their heads.

"It will. Shiro knows what he's doing." Sophie sighed from her place leaning against the back wall.

"Why don't you come up here?" Lance questioned.

"Because I should be on that ship helping my brother. Not stuck out here with you! No offense to you, Blue."

The lion rumbled in response.

"Does it bother you that you can talk to the lions too? I mean you're not any of their paladins, so how?"

"Probably the same way I can read the Arusian books in the library. I don't know but I can."

There was a heavy silence.

"Pidge, what's your ETA?" Lance radioed.

"We're in." Pidge responded.

A sort of beam was activated.

"What's that thing?" Hunk asked over the comm.

"I think that's our signal to get out of here!" Lance replied.

The beam shot out and the lions scattered.

Small fighter ships were launched after them.

"Hunk, you dismantle the ion cannon while I take these jerks on a space ride!"



Yellow was trying to head butt the cannon only to be thrown by an invisible force field.

"What the quiznak? What is that? A force field?" Hunk asked.

"We seriously need to learn the definition of that word." Sophie sighed as she was thrown around in Blue by Lance's flying.

"Hold on already will ya, Soph!" Lance exclaimed as she hit the back wall again.

"I'm good." Sophie glared.

She flew forward into the back of the seat.

"If this is over what Mani said then shove it for and hour and hold on to the seat! You'll get hurt if you don't!"

"Only cause you're such a bad pilot."

She flew to the side again.

"I resent that. Get up here!"

Lance reached back and grabbed her wrist as she stumbled by again. He yanked her forward into the chair.

"Whoa-ho-ho! Yeah, buddy! This is way more fun without Hunk's barfing and Sophie flying around!" Lance cheered as he continued to fly around.

Hunk grunted and groaned.


"Keith!" Sophie exclaimed in horror.

"Keith?" Lance questioned.

Sophie pointed ahead of them. Keith was thrown out of the Galra ship into space.

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