Question Time

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First off I am finishing up the next chapter and will be posting it soon. Sorry for the delay, the reasons for the delay are slowly resolving themselves (meaning I simply stopped caring) so I should be able to focus more on this story again.

Second, my question for the readers.

I've been thinking of ways to explore the characters and relationships of Legendary more and I was thinking that an AU would be a fun way to do so. I've come up with two possible AUs I would enjoy writing and wanted to see which you guys would prefer. (NOTE: to fit the AUs characters might seem out of character or temporarily out of character to fit the part they would play!)

Option 1: Suicide Squad AU
This AU wouldn't include the royals, just the main cast and Sophie but I was a trailer parody for it and it looked like an awesome idea.

Who Would Play Who
Amanda Waller: Allura
Rick Flag: Shiro
Enchantress: Haggar
Dr. June Moone: Pidge
Deadshot: Lance
Harley Quinn: Sophie
Diablo: Keith
Captain Boomerang: Coran
Killer Croc: Hunk
Slipknot: Rolo
Katana: Nyma
Joker: Lotor

Option 2: Gangster AU
This AU would include everyone (main cast and all OCs as well). The idea for this is three rivaling gangs: The Paladins, The Royals, and The Galra. After their parents died Keith and Sophie were left under the protection of (the previous generation of) The Paladins until Sophie turned 18, to further ensure his sister's safety Keith then joined the gang. Sophie had a similar idea of obtaining further protection for them only she ended up dating the leader of The Galra, Lotor, in exchange. However after catching wind of Lotor's mistreatment's towards his "girlfriend" from Allura, the leader of The Royals, the leader of The Paladins decides to kidnap Sophie to keep her away from The Galra and Lotor. Little did he know that the girl he kidnapped was actually Keith's little sister.

Option 3: Neither
Neither AU would be written.

Option 4: Both
Both AUs would be written.

An AU will not effect Legendary or put it on hold!!!

You can choose any but please comment with your decision.

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