Dating Him Would Include... (James Potter)

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Dating James would include
- making jokes like four eyes
-making fun of Sirius' hair
-secretly judging the girls that Sirius goes out with together
-betting on whether or not he will get slapped
- stealing chocolate from Remus
-buying Remus more chocolate cause you felt bad
- not even trying to pretend it's not funny when James and Sirius prank Severus
-despite letting them prank him, stopping them from bullying Severus
-being jealous of Lily till he decided he'd rather watch you read than go get breakfast with Lily
- going on dates with Remus and Sirius hiding in the bushes
-acting like you don't see the moving bushes
-making Sirius and James cookies
-Sirius saying your cookies are bad but both of them getting upset when you claim you'll stop making them

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