breaking and entering

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was this too much, too cliche?

millie had doubts about dressing in all black now but she didn't wanna be seen if anything went wrong. but, as he phone buzzed she knew there wasn't any other choice- or time rather to worry.

the car pulled up across the street and as silently as she could, millie opens her window and jumps to the floor. she looks at the house once more, a small trickle of guilt crawling at her spine, but she pushes it down.

sadie smirks lightly, extending the door open for millie. "you look good."

she flushed, responding briskly "thanks."

"i guess you look good. i'm just surprised you even showed," finn spoke abruptly from behind, and millie had momentarily forgot about the stupid boy. she had tensed at the sudden voice, turning around and glaring.

"of course i did freckles. did you think i'd chicken out?" millie bites back, defending herself.

"actually yes, i did babe."

"babe really?" she rolls her eyes.

"yup really." finn says with an ever growing smirk.

"are you ever gonna call me by my real name?" millie questions, gradually becoming irritated at this boy.

"why would i? doing that would show i care and i don't." finn retorts back simply, shrugging as well.

millie turned away, looking out the window, arms crossed having had enough of the conversation. his words were harsh and she hated how he had been able to hurt her feelings.

after a few short (and awkward) minutes sadie pulled up to a rather nice house, all but tumbling out the door with caleb in hand. "what are we doing?" millie's heart races with anticipation and she grins nervously.

the red head sighs, clicking her tongue. "this is maddie ziegler's house. her mother is on city council or at least this towns sorry excuse of politics-" her face is almost as red as her hair from anger at this point. "anyways-" she sighs trying to calm herself. "she wants to build a new high school; a private one and if that happens they'll have to make cuts from the factory... my mom will lose her job."

"that's not gonna happen." caleb's hand clings to her own and she mumbles looking away. "i just thought it'd be nice to kind of have the last word or something i don't know... its stupid."

millie's heart squeezes almost tightly in her throat, her hand coming up to sadie's own. "no it's not. i think you have the right to express your anger. i mean they hurt you- or they might at least. you're going to be apart from the person you love perhaps."

the girl tears her glance away, a distant look gleaming in her eye.

noticing all the strange faces, she coughs, awkwardly shrugging them away.

" know like if she loses her job and all that. she'll, she'll probably be busy looking for a new job and-"

"millie... it's okay," sadie says.

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