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CHAPTER EIGHT: a mythic bitch


it had been a couple of weeks since millie had started school and became friends with everyone.

while all that time finn and millie were always messing around playfully most of the time; just snickering amongst other things. they were almost always together when they had the chance, and on more than one occasion he had walked with her home.

"you think they like each other?"


"who else do you think?" caleb chides to gaten, gesturing to their two friends who wait in line.

millie's arm resting on finn's shoulder, her head on it as she playfully pushes him at something he had said, and by the looks of it he had to had been proud at whatever it was by the smirk on that boys face.

the boy's eyes widened ever so slightly and mutters a—"holy shit," underneath his breath which sadie snickers at. "just look at them. could they be anymore obvious?"

feeling countless glances at her millie shifts closer, her mouth coming closely in contact with finn's ears. "are they staring at us?" she whispers not trying to be obvious about it. he only shrugs in response, trying not to think about how it felt to have her so close to him, her mouth practically brushing against his skin. much to millie's oblivion she can only groan at the sight of the nasty acceptance of what people call food.

"pizza again?" she groans. "pizza again." finn confirms holding in a laugh at her pouting face. with only a slight mutter from millie they grab the greasy food, their shoulders bumping often from their proximity.

"so...are you still writing?" millie asks quietly to which finn nods at, not wanting anyone to hear. "i wanna read it," she states suddenly—more like blurts it really.

he almost chokes on his spit, coughing loudly and shaking his head a bit.

"what!" finn exclaims, his curls flopping in every direction. "no! absolutely not, you read that small part and that's enough i think."

"dude you're getting all of your cough on the food." she rolls her eyes promptly ignoring him. "why can't i? you would let the guys read it wouldn't you, but—is it because i'm a girl?" she's starting to suggestively mad now and finn notices alarmingly trying to stop her from putting more words in his mouth.

"this has nothing to do with that brown, i just don't want anyone too," he answers grabbing some side vegetables.

millie can only sigh grabbing the ranch and squeezing some out. "listen, i'm sure it's good but hey if you really don't want to..." and she'd be lying if it didn't hurt that he didn't trust her enough to read his work. she'd thought they'd finally worked past that.

finn can feel his heart stutter at the obvious disappointment she didn't try very hard to hide. and suddenly he was blurting something else out. "no it's uh—you know what you can. just after i finish it okay?" finn stutters, a small flush up his neck. god you can't say no to this girl can't you? especially when she's looking like that, and oh my her lips are painted red today—

her white teeth shine bright against the redness of her lips as millie smiles widely and victoriously. "thank you wolfhard... oh um you need some ranch ?" she asks still smiling, holding up the bottle as well as the line, everyone behind them waiting in annoyance.

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