drunken bubbles

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CHAPTER TWELVE: cherry slushees and misunderstandings

"never thought seven eleven would be where our first date would be." millie's small laugh bounces off the glass covered doors, her heels making a small clicking noise against the tile.

finn smiles to himself at the girl's voice, and his stomach curls with warmth. "what? slushees aren't romantic to you brown?"

"oh the very most!" millie responds; that clever and witty sarcasm practically dripping from her voice. she guesses you never really out grow stuff like that.

grabbing two cups from the counter finn turns back to millie as she picks out some licorice from the container and smiles, teasingly swatting his cheek with the red candy. "what'd you get?" gesturing to the drinks with a nod of her head, she inspects the foam cup with a frown.

the boy's lips do the exact opposite, and i chuckle escapes his throat. "i mixed all of them."

"you're kidding, right?"

"see for you're self babe," finn smirks and millie's eyes widen almost comically before pushing the cup away.

"hell no wolfhard. nope! not subjecting myself to that."

and despite the hasty almost harsh protest a heavy warmth fills both their stomachs at how they smile at each other. like they mean something. like there's something serious brewing underneath. it makes millie grin up brighter at finn and the boy finds his hands taking hers in a gentle manner, voice suddenly much softer than before.

"don't worry i got you cherry," he whispers and she blushes plucking the other cup from his hand.

"thank you." her lips press so tenderly sweet to his own it gives him a tooth ache.
he lets a small blush grace his cheeks and the girl smiles big at that; happy to have the sweet boy back again. "and this isn't our first date by the way millie believe me."

"when will that be?"

the cups are all filled with the frozen drink now, and he covers the top to all of them with ease as millie waits for her reply with a beaming smile.

his chest brushes with her own and her insides feel like mush at how she can feel finn's breath melt across her face. his finger runs teasingly from her cheek and then gently, slow across her jaw.

the girl's breath hitches, fingers twitching slightly under the bag of red licorice. "you'll know." finn mumbles, quickly presses a lingering kiss to her jaw before grabbing the cups and parading to the counter, even grabbing the candy out of millie's hands as she's left momentarily stunned.

god damn you finn wolfhard.


the pair make it back to sadie's rather quickly, both free hands tangled and swinging back and forth, as they stepped through the household.

"took you fucking long enough." gaten practically groans upon their arrival. "did you-"

"yes, i didn't forget your stupid nerds," finn cuts off, practically slamming the drink and candy into the hands of the curly haired boy, who immediately rips the package before pouring the sugared contents.

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