Chapter 2

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Sitting in Melissa's car having an anxiety attack not wanting to face the students of Kings Valley High. I know they'll stare at me, I'm not wearing my glasses or my usual clothing. I got the courage to wear my new clothes I got and now I'm regretting it.

I calmed down as my best friend was saying I have nothing to worry about and she'll be there along the way. I believed her, she doesn't let anyone push me or her around. That's what I loved about having her in my life. I might not have the courage to do it myself but I'm glad I have her.

I got out the car, breathing in and out slowly. I had to face them at one point, no need to hide. It's my senior year, new beginnings.

As soon as I walked in the doors of my school everyone stopped and stared at me. I suddenly grew uncomfortable and nervous, I didn't make eye contact with anyone. Melissa on the other hand was confident in her own skin with a smile on her face.

We walked to my locker waiting for the school bell to ring to get to class. We were talking about most of classes as we had only second period together as we looked at our schedules.

Someone ran into me making me almost fall over and I seen it was the 'Queen Bee' of the school, Ava Hills.

"Bitch," Melissa hissed as Ava was practically running to the front doors. My eyes widen as I seen who was walking through the doors.

It was the delinquents of the school, the bad boys, the populars, whatever you want to call them. They walked in and stood at the front doors looking around being confident as ever. I noticed there was a new guy in the middle of them, I never seen him before.

To the left was Noah Carter, the funny one of the group. He had a big smile on his face, winking at girls that walk past them. He was a flirt, a goofy one at that. Noah had messy black hair, skinner than the rest, tall, and handsome. He played for the schools basketball team. Noah was always nicer to me but he also played along with his friend.

In fact, Noah and I used to be best friends before high school came along.

To the right was Jesse Anderson, was the schools football star till he got kicked off the team for breaking up with the coaches daughter in the most humiliating way ever, he was a ladies man, totally cocky, muscular, and taller than Noah for sure. I never liked Jesse as he bullied me for years.

I seen Ava walk up to the guy in the middle and practically suck his face off as he returned the gesture. It's his first day here and she's already putting her claws on him. Their tongues were just everywhere, it was horrid.

The guy was tall, amazingly tall. He had hazel eyes from what I could see, dusty brown hair, and no doubt about it that he was the schools new bad boy as he was wearing a leather jacket with a cigarette resting in between his ear and head. He had a gorgeous smile and he knew it.

Melissa and I were standing there amazed by their entrance, they practically think they run this school and that'll never change.

Melissa and I departed as we went to our first period. I, yet again, was early like I always am. I took a seat near the window in the first row that my teacher, Mr. Rose, had set up.

I've been and english student for Mr. Rose for all my high school years and to be honest I'm glad. He knows my mom personally as he taught at the elementary school my mom works for. I tease my mom saying she sent him here to watch over me.

The class soon filled up with students, I put my head down looking into my notebook not wanting to make eye contact. I hear a voice say, "Is this seat taken?" as they pulled the chair out next to me.

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