Chapter 21

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Song: Heavy - Linkin Park

In honor of my childhood favorite artist, Chester Bennington.

This chapter will have MANY different perspectives. Bold lettering means you're reading from their perspective, enjoy x


"Bryce?" I called out, I tossed my keys onto the table beside the door and slid my jacket off. I looked into the living room and dinning room but still no sign of my brother.

"Momma?" I called out.

"I'm in the laundry room Lucas." My mom responded, I walked into the laundry room to see my little brother sitting on the washer and placing clothing in a hamper as my mom handed him folded clothes.

"Hi sweetie," my mom said reaching to give me a kiss on the cheek, "your brother here was helping me do your laundry." She chuckled.

"I called your name Bry," I said as I ruffled his hair, "And I could've done my own laundry." I told my mom, she rolled her eyes and waved her hand dismissively.

"I know you did Luke, but I was helping momma with your clothes." He smiled, he had a tooth missing.

"Woah, did someone lose another tooth?" I asked, I picked him up and carried him over my shoulder.

"Yup! Finally my last baby tooth came out LuLu!" He said happily, "I didn't cry when it came out too,"

I looked back at my mom and she laughed giving me the sign that he did actually cry about losing his tooth.

"Oh yeah? You're a tough guy now?" I asked him as I dropped him on the couch, his contagious laugh spread throughout the house.

"Always have been." He smiled and flexed.

I'll never get over how Bryce acts so tough especially everything he and I have been through and including my mom. Even when he wasn't born he was the strongest kid I knew, I'm proud of my brother and always will be.

"Momma! Dads home!" Bryce said, he jumped off the couch as he heard our step-dads keys rattle as he was trying to pick the house key. Bryce opened the door for him and greeted him with a hug.

"Hey kiddo," our dad laughed

Asypyn's dad may not be Bryce and I's biological dad but he's been through it all for us. He accepted my mom having two kids from a separate man and he still loved and loves her unconditionally, the type of love I want.

I look up to him, a lot. More than I possibly show it or act it, he's done so much for my mom.

"Hey Lucas," he greeted me "how was school? No Jade today?" He asked me.

"School was fine, I have Noah begging me to train with him for basketball but I'm not really into it." I told him, "Jade has a test tomorrow so I dropped her off at home after school."

"I hope it wasn't on that horribly motorcycle of yours Lucas, a young lady and young man shouldn't be on that thing." My mom spoke up.

"Relax sweetie, he hardly ever rides that thing anyways." My dad told him, he chuckled and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

"When are you going to make it official with her? You both act like a couple as it is," my mom laughed, I was embarrassed to be honest.

No one knows how bad I want Jade to be my girl, mine, my girlfriend because so easily and so quickly became my best friend already. She managed to get into my life so easily without me putting up more of a fight with her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2017 ⏰

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