Chapter 14

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Song: 44 Bars - Logic


"Noah get off of me," I laughed while trying to pull his arm that was around my shoulder, we're sitting the middle of class and Noah was slouching over to my side of the desk while Jesse had his feet on my desk.

"Aw best friend, I missed you though." Noah pouted trying to flash those puppy dog eyes at me, I rolled my eyes at him and push Jesse's giant feet of my desk and returned to my work.

"I've been here, how can you miss me?" I asked him, I've been in school but I just haven't been paying any attention to either of my friends, I was just curious to his answer.

"Yeah but it was like you were here but you weren't here, y'know?" Noah said, he stopped for a while and seemed blown away by his own sentence then flashed me a goofy smile.

"What the idiot," Jesse smacks him upside the head causing Noah to rub it and pout, "Is trying to say is, you were here but a million miles away too." Jesse said finishing his sentence and he was right, it was exactly that because I always blanked out in class or never answered when someone said my name.

Ive had countless times where I would be slouched in my seat and staring off into the distance and not hearing Mr. Rose call my name in front of the whole class or noticed if he had been standing in front of me.

"Just glad you're back best friend," Noah said ruffling my hair, I groaned and fixed it instantly as my hair was now sticking out.

"B*tch," someone yelled across the classroom, I looked over to see Ava with her friends looking at me and of course I shouldn't be surprised it was her calling me that.

"Shut up Ava," someone said from the door, I looked over and I seen it was Lucas, I grew a smile on my face that it was him. Ava huffed and sat in her seat angrily that her ex boyfriend told her to shut up.

Lucas started to walk towards Jesse, Noah, and I while catching the attention of other girls who are just swoon over this boys looks, even Ava's friends possibly started to drool by looking at him walk.

"What's up guys," Lucas said as he clapped his hands with Jesse and snapped after, I looked at them oddly as he was putting his books next to Jesse.

"What was that?" I asked them, they turned to look at me and smiled. Weirdos, I thought.

"Handshake Miller, haven't you heard of one?" Lucas said with a grin on his face, I rolled my eyes at them and continued to do my work, ignoring the poking Noah beside me.

"Good morning class," Mr. Rose said as he walked into his class room, he was running late for the first time I've ever been his student and he absolutely hates when others are late, he must hate himself for being late to his own class.

None of the students quiet down as he said good morning, everyone was just talking and laughing. Most of the students weren't even sitting in their seats at the had their feet on the chair and sat on top of their desk or standing around others seats.

"I said," Mr. Rose pulled out a air horn from his desk and pressed the button, I instantly clinched onto my ears at the sound of it while the rest of the girls screamed in bloody murder, a few boys fell back on their seat that were tilting their chairs.

"Good morning class." Mr. Rose said with a cheeky smile on his face and putting the air horn in his desk quickly, everyone scattered away for their seats, possibly being scared he would do it again.

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