Chapter 10

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Song: Shake it - Metro Station


It's 6:00AM, Austin and Tyler all jumped on my bed like a pair of children on Christmas morning, just for me to make them a special breakfast. I told them multiple no because I wanted to sleep but Austin flashed his puppy dogs eyes at me and told me that he hasn't seen me for so long, that made me groan and get up.

"What do you guys want?" I asked half asleep, I didn't bother changing out of my pair of shorts and hoodie.

"THE JADE SPECIAL!" They said in unison, they grabbed each by the shoulder and laughed, I rolled my eyes at them. I started reaching for the mix for the pancakes and being as short as I am, I couldn't, I was struggling and the boys didn't see me.

I turned to grab a chair only to see someones chest in my face and I seen it was Lucas, he was shirtless and started reaching for the mix for me, he flashed me a smile while handing me the box and I felt my face fluster a shade of pink as he walked out the front door.

"Ty can you see if the girls are awake now?" I asked, Tyler gave me a nod and walked off. I looked up to see Austin staring at me.

"It's not nice to stare Aussie," I joked, Austin let out a small chuckle and cleared his throat.

"How are you with Ty, he's told me everything..." he trailed off, I stopped from doing what I was doing just fall into a blank stare.

"I know you would've told me but I didn't have your number anymore and neither did Ty so, how are you with the idiot after he f*cked up? Do I have to kick his ass for you?" He said in a stern voice, I let out a small laugh as he was getting protective over me from Tyler.

"I'm fine I guess... he tried to get another chance to do it aga-"

"HE WHAT?!" He cut me off, I looked up to see him with an angry look on his face.

"Austin relax, I mean I was going to give in but I-" Austin let out a sigh cutting me off again and I see him rubbing the temples of his head as he looked down to the counter.

"Tyler, he's my best friend, but don't let him take advantage of you again Jade. If I'm going to be completely honest, you deserve better than him." I looked at him as he said that and I took it all in, I soon realized that maybe Austin is right. I deserve better, right?

"You're like my baby sister and I don't want to see you get hurt, I just want to see you happy." Austin gave me a smile and I smiled to him back. Maybe Austin is right, I missed having him around as to him being able to quickly knock some sense into me and I couldn't be more grateful. Tyler and I just need to stick to being friends, nothing more.

"Ooooo! What's cooking?!" Aspyn said enthusiastically when she walked into the kitchen, I looked behind her to see Melissa still half asleep with her hair up, messy, and her fluffy pink robe tied loosely around her waist.

"I'm making my special," I simply said, everyone soon awoke and gathered around the dinning table, patiently waiting for me to get done with breakfast.

Lucas was sitting next to Jesse and Noah talking away while Tyler, Aspyn, Melissa, and Austin were laughing in their own little group. I smiled to myself as I realized that I'm glad everyone can get along just the weekend, Tyler kept his distance from Jesse and Lucas and it wasn't awkward but there were a few moments they stared each other down.

I soon finished making breakfast and set the plates on the table in front of everyone, I had a big stack of pancakes on one plate, bacon, and eggs on other. Everyone sat there just staring at at me and I looked at them all odd.

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