Chapter 7

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"Jade! Tyler made breakfast!" my mom said knocking at my door, I groaned and placed a pillow over my head. Knowing my mom and Tyler it's too early in the morning to be associating myself with the outside world.

"Five more minutes!" I yelled.

"No princess, get up now." Tyler said as he barged into my room and pulling my bed cover off me.

"Go away Ty," I said grabbing the sheets and pulling it to my shoulders.

"Alright you're gonna make me do it," he sighed and I shot up from my bed and looked at him.

"Don't you dare do it!" I demanded making him laugh.

"Alright alright, I won't  jump on your bed."

"Yeah, that's what you were going to do" I yawned as I rolled my eyes.

"Get dressed, I made breakfast."

"Whatever," I said as he closed my bedroom door. I reached to grab my phone but I grabbed a paper instead, it was in Tyler's hand writing.

I set up an outfit to do our daily running like old times! Get dressed and eat breakfast with your my mom and I.

I rolled my eyes and got up from my warm cozy bed. I looked at my desk and seen an outfit so I can run in with my running shoes on the ground. I put on the clothes and tied my hair in a high ponytail.

Tyler and I used to do this all the time as he used to live across the street from me. Him and I were partners in crime before Melissa took on that role to replace him. He only did this to help me relieve stress or just drag me out of the house and it worked.

I walked in the kitchen to meet the smell of food, to my pleasant surprise I seen chocolate chip pancakes on a plate with strawberries. Tyler had a pan in his hand as he was placing a pancake on my moms plate.

"Good morning sweetie," my mom said as she was taking a bite of the pancakes.

"Hi mom," I said as I gave her a kiss on the cheek. I was grabbing a mug from the cabinet but Tyler stopped me from me doing so.

"I need coffee!" I whined.

"I set a cup for you already, sit and eat." he said as he was making a pancake, he flipped it showing off his cooking skills, he learned from my mom how to cook as he watched her all the time when we grew up.

I rushed over to my plate and grabbed the syrup bottle and let it pour onto my warm pancakes. I cut out a piece and took a bite and let a 'mmm' slip from me as Tyler and my mom chuckled at me.

"Sorry," I mumbled with a mouthful of food.

"You like them?" Tyler asked finally taking a seat.

"Of course we do," my mom said smiling at him.

"I'm glad,"


"Ty! I have to go get ready," I said breathless after running almost two miles, I haven't been running much since he left and when I do I constantly take breaks. I looked at my watch to see that it was almost the afternoon and I has to get ready for when Melissa picks me up.

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