Fighting A Certain Uchiha

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"Lee? You coming?" You heard the brush of Tenten's shoes on the floor as she half turned to look at Lee.

"There is something I want to check. Go on without me."

He turned and walked away, you following closely behind.

"What was that about?" Tenten said.

"I have no idea," Neji replied, walking off down the hall, giving absolutely no ducks about this whole situation.

You were all currently at the Chunin Exams, or at least at the building where it would start. Your team still hadn't registered yet, but you had like, thirty minutes, so it's cool.

You hadn't been there long, but already Lee had, 1) Gotten punched in the face 2) Had punched someone else in the face and 3) Gotten harshly rejected by Sakura Haruno.

You kinda wanted to drop kick that girl in the face, but apparently that's not 'morally right'.

Now you were following Lee down the hall, and you could sense he wanted to fight. "Lee, I know you already sucker punched someone, but fighting before the Exams is technically not allowed."

"How is it you are always able to tell what it is I am thinking?"

"I guess I just know you well."

Lee grabbed your hand and continued walking, unfazed by the rules. "Well, I do not plan for it to take very long. Do not worry, (Y/N), it should be fine."

You sighed. Usually when Lee said that something bad happened.

"Fight me Sasuke!!!"

You stood over to the side, listening as Lee challenge none other than pretty-boy Sasuke Uchiha himself. You actually had no idea if he was pretty or not because you'd never seen him. Or anyone else for that matter.

After once again getting rejected by Sakura, who was apparently Sasuke's teammate, you heard someone else's voice. It still had that high-pitchedness that young boys had, and there was a trace of arrogance to it, like the owner thought he was better than anyone simply because he was him.

"It's always Sasuke!" He yelled. "Well, I'll take you on, fite me mate."

"No thank you."

Lee's response only seemed to work up the boy more.

"Naruto, calm down." Uhg. And there was Sakura's annoyance voice.

Naruto, as he was apparently called, ignored the whiny pink-haired girl and charged anyway.

You heard Lee give a small sigh.

"Leaf Hurricane!"

One thud later, and Naruto was unconscious against the wall.

"Now will you fight me?"

You could feel Sasuke hesitate. "Alright." He finally said. You could hear it on him too, that arrogance.

'Take him down a peg, Lee.' You thought.

"Alright Lee, that's enough!" Lee landed on his feet, and you ran toward him as a large turtle appeared, looking less than pleased.

"You were watching the whole time...?" Lee muttered.

"Of course I was!" The turtle snapped. "That move you were about to use if forbidden, you know that."

Naruto shook his head as he woke up, very confused as to why he was sleeping on the floor. Oh wait, hold up. His head jerked up as he looked around, startled to see Sasuke down, and Bushy Brows getting lectured by a turtle with a girl standing close by his side.

'Where did she come from...?' He thought. 'And what's with that turtle? Oh wait, he's talking to the the turtle. Aaannd it's talking back.'

Naruto decided that the only answer was that that turtle was a Sensei.

"Hey!" Naruto said, walking over to his team. "Hey guys, that's a turtle right?"

"OF COURSE IT'S A TURTLE WHAT YOU THINK IT IS!" Sakura shouted at him, hitting him on the head because she's a jerk.

"Ouch. Well, maybe turtle can be Sensei too."

"HOW WOULD I KNOW IF TURTLE CAN BE SENSEI TOO!!" Before Sakura could hit him a second time the turtle raised it's voice.

"You really think you can get off on stupid excuses like that?! Alright, Lee, prepare for your punishment. Come on out, Gai Sensei!"

There was a puff of smoke, and when it cleared a man stood on top of the turtle in a skintight green jumpsuit. He held a ridiculous pose and said, "Hey! How's it goin' everbody? Life treatin' ya good?"

After recovering from the shock, Naruto yelled, "That's where Lee gets it from! Same soup-bowl haircut, and even bushier eyebrows!"

"Do not insult Gai Sensei!" Lee yelled at Naruto. "He is one of the greatest men in the whole world!"

"Let it slide Lee."

Lee nodded, turning back to his Sensei. You shifted closer to him, holding on to his arm.

"Now, you two." Gai started. "It's time to accept your punishment..." Clenching his hands into fists, he pulled back for a double blow. "YOU FOOLS!" He punched you both in the face, sending you skidding across the floor.

Naruto, Sasuke, and even Sakura-the-heartless, were shocked speechless.

You and Lee sat up, trying to rub the pain from your cheeks. Gai got down on one knee and said, "I'm sorry you two, but it's for your own good." His voice cracked near the end, and you knew he'd started to cry. Which made you and Lee cry.

"Gai Sensei!" You and Lee launched yourselves at your teacher, who grabbed you both and held you close, all three of you sobbing.

"You know," Naruto said. "It's actually kind of cute, the way they're all huggy and stuff."

Sakura then hit him in the head, because she likes to be mean to people who don't look like Sasuke.

Rock Lee x Blind!Reader    Beautiful Where stories live. Discover now