Not Stalking, Observing

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Requested oneshot - 2012


Bit of sex!

The request: One stalks the other but nothing too creepy. The one that stalks is a loner and the other is popular. - justtwokidsinlove


I am not a stalker.

I gulp and keep my eyes on him, watching his fluid motions as he makes the way to his car, lazily swinging his arms.

I am not a stalker.

Keeping my head down and managing to peer through my fringe I get one last glimpse of him before his car drives off. If I take my time getting home I could catch him doing his afternoon exercises. I bite my lip and gather up my books that I have sprawled out on the ground in front of me. I have a routine. Every day I get out from class before Haden and take my usual place on the steps, take out some books and wait for him, relish those few moments and take the scenic route home.

I'm totally not a stalker. Well. That's what I try to tell myself anyway. Tugging the bag further up my back I trudge my way along the path, not bothering to bend over and tie my tattered shoe laces. I attempt to keep my steps even with the rhythmic beat of the drums echoing through my earphones.

The crisp spring air bites at my exposed skin and makes my back shiver. I quicken my pace, telling myself that I want to get out of the cold but in all reality I just want to see Haden. With fumbling fingers I manage to unlock the door to my house and let myself in. Silence greets me. My parents are travel agents and as travel agents usually do, they travel.

A lot.

I dump my bag at the door and make my way upstairs, stripping out of my overcoat and into my room. My room is pretty basic as rooms go, a double bed and some books. The only unique thing about the room is the ceiling, which is plastered with photographs that I have taken. Some of nature, some of buildings, some of paintings and most of Haden. I sometimes see him looking as beautiful as always and take a discrete picture. It's nothing major.

I check my disgruntled appearance in the mirror. My blonde hair is tousled and overall messy as if falls into my eyes much to my dismay. One word to describe me would be scrawny. Due to a fast metabolism I'm built like a twig that can easily be snapped in half, standing at around five foot nine.

Does this twig have a name? Yes he does. It's Kenneth.

My ears prick to the sound of heavy guitar music being switched on, hence I immediately make my way to the window where I take my usual seat on the sill. Where I sit is concealed by blinds. In other words, I can see out but no one can see in. And just my luck that Haden hadn't invested in these blinds yet and preferred to keep his window wide open.

Taking shallow breaths I marvel at how a human body could look that good, that capable. What I'd give to by lying beside it. Haden is practically flawless to the human eye. Muscular chest and abdomen, angelic face and a smile to die for. His soft brown just fell above his crystal clear blue eyes that makes anyone swoon. I gawk as he proceeds to do pull ups in his room on a bar that he put in a few months ago. My breathing going faster and faster as his muscles flex. Within five minutes I have a problem. Not wanting to look at it I grab a pillow and place it conveniently over the issue. I attempt to slow down my breathing.

Oh God. He's decided to take off his jeans. Oh my God. Haden throws his jeans across the room but my attention is fixed on the fact that that thin piece of grey fabric is keeping his impressive looking member from me. I squeeze my eyes shut. I should not be doing this. This isn't right. This is invading someone's privacy!

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