Second Chances

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Request - 2020


No smut (only sadness)

The request:
Two men who fall in love and get married. But during their marriage, the husband becomes careless about the other that. So much so that the other thinks he fell out of love with him. I want cheating in it like the husband going out with girls or guys anyone. And the other catch him and you know some dramas for them to get back together, we want the husband to beg for forgiveness. - Sugar_614

Not going to lie, this one broke my heart a little a little wow


"There's something wrong with Brandon."

Griffin Blake's brows are furrowed as he toys with the dishcloth in his hands, drying the dishes that his best friend, Parker, has just finished washing. They have a nice little system going, and there's something about the monotony of cleaning that calms Griffin down a little.

"Like what?" Parker replies, a small frown marring her features as she glances over to him. Parker is Griffin's best friend and, coincidentally, his sister in law.

Griffin stands by the fact that the best thing his older brother, Mike, has ever done for him was introduce him to Parker.

She's loud, unabashed, tells it how it is - and has a miraculous talent for finding good parking, no matter where she is.

And while her parking skills might be unparalleled, Griffin is really looking for Parker's no bullshit attitude right about now.

"I don't know." Griffin shrugs as he places a cup back up in the cupboard. "Just weird."

"Hate to break it to you, Griff, but his mom did just die two months ago."

Griffin turns to Parker with a deadpan expression, his tone perfectly matching it. "Thank you for telling me that, Parker. I had absolutely no idea."

It's not like he had been there by his husband's side throughout it all, had held him as he cried, had organised the entire funeral because Brandon hadn't been able to do it.

And if he went back in time, Griffin would choose to do it all over again - no matter how many sleepless nights it caused, and that near fist fight he got into with a very rude mortician that tried to tell him that embalming was his only option.

Griffin knows for a fact that that's bullshit from talking to Brandon's mom about it.

Susie had gotten her natural burial in the end, and Griffin took comfort in the fact that he knew she would have wanted that.

"Just saying, something like that is bound to have anyone acting weird." Parker rolls her narrow shoulders, cursing to herself when she drops a soapy fork.

"He's signed up for pottery classes."

Parker drops the fork again.

"Okay, there's something fucking wrong with him."

Griffin gives her a look that translates to exactly. Not that there's anything wrong with pottery. But to anyone that knows Brandon, even a little, that sounds weird.

He's someone that hates arts and crafts, doesn't get the point behind most pieces of world renowned art. Hell, Griffin had once suggested a holistic getaway for the two of them - and Brandon had looked at him like he had grown two heads.

Point being, Brandon and pottery? Something is definitely wrong.

"Do you think it's a midlife crisis?" Parker lowers her voice, coming up triumphant with the fork - following Griffin's gaze out the kitchen window and to the garden where Brandon is.

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