Wth, I have no idea for this chapter title.

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A/N: All credits go to  PercyJackson2546 They wrote the original chapter in there one shots and I was all like "Hm, I need to use this!"And yes I asked PercyJackson2546 So please go check them out!


You and Nico had been friends for a while now, and the radio was playing in Nico's cabin. You and Nico basically lived and breathed music. You found all the songs that he loved and then you would both just listen and sing along to them. Demons by Imagine Dragons Was playing and you were begging Nico to get up and dance with you. It was his theme song after all.

"Please Nico?" You asked, with big puppy dog eyes.







"Oh my gods, okay, okay. Jeez woman," he finally gives in.

"YAY!" You cheer.

You pulled him up by the hand and start dancing with him. Of course, you being your usual clumsy self, tripped. Which cause Nico to trip and land on top of you in a very... suggestiveposition, him accidentally kissing you. You both immediately blush and pull away. What surprised you most was when Nico said, "That was um, kind of, um, nice?"

You're silent for a moment, "S-sorry, I didn't mean to-"

You're cut off by a pair of lips crashing into yours. You responded back, and it was like your lips moved in sync. Then he asked for entrance. You thought, 'You know what? I'm not going to let this boy in!' But no, that boy wanted in and he wanted in bad. He squeezed your butt (No respect for a girl's personal space, wow), and you gasped unintentionally. This allowed him entrance, which caused you to become pissed off. Like really pissed off. 'Two can play at that game, Di Angelo,' you thought. You started tongue-wrestling with Nico, and eventually he one. 'NO! How dare he!' you think. You and Nico pull away for air. And when Nico saw your pissed off face, he grinned. This just caused you to become even more pissed.


"Aw, is little (Y/N) angry?" He teased.

(Please ignore the language. It just works for the chapter. I never usually write like this :/)

"Fuck you Di Angelo," you growl.

"Are we really gonna move that fast?" He smirks.

"I SWEAR TO THE ALL GODS ABOVE NICO! I WILL KILL YOU!" You chase Nico out of his cabin and all around camp. Campers kept giving you a weird look. You wondered why, until you heard him. Nico Di Angelo, the person who rarely smiled and never laughed, was LAUGHING!

You fell into the lake. Of all the things you could do while distracted, you fell into the lake. Just wow.

"DI ANGELO!" You yell.

"Yes?" He asks innocently.

"Get me out of here," you growl.

"Haha, okay," He smiles. Which wasn't the most surprising thing of the day.

"You should be happy I love you, otherwise you'd be dead," you growl.

The horn for dinner sounds.

"Don't worry, I am," Nico replies.

"Oh its time to eat...."

"Thanks captain obvious."

"Shut up," You lightly push him. You both walk to the psvilion, hand in hand. You just smirk when you see Percy's face, and then go sit with the hansom fool that is your boyfriend, Nico Di Angelo.


And that's an end to that!  Hope you liked it! 

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Word count:562

Hope you liked it!

Good bye my Lovelies!


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