Final Chapter whoops

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A/N: Yo. It's me again. I finally decided "You know, I should probably finish off this story instead of ignoring it lol" so that's what I'm gonna do. This'll be the last chapter, and I'm sorry for that. But aye, I've grown from the awkward preteen who decided to make this. Oh, I also realized I was Bi so there's that. It was fun writing but hey, I can't just not grow up lol. I'm also different on my views of LGBT+ and it's great. I'm just hopin y'all aren't like 'No please don't not continue this story-' because I'm very much over this part of my life. ¯\_()_/¯ But hey, I could still write x Reader oneshots. Just not this one lol. I'm gonna be starting an x Reader oneshots for Voltron so you can go check that out lol. But anyways, let's get into the story.

You were quite the child of Aphrodite. You hated makeup, nice clothes, and anything else a stereotypical daughter of Aphrodite would like. You preferred to do something yourself than trust another human being with it, and you were quite in love with your best friend. Of course, he'd never like you back- he was gay after all. And to add to that, he had a boyfriend. You loved and supported him anyway, ignoring the painful throb in your chest when he was near you. You ignored the immense feeling of protectiveness over him. You ignored how it hurt to be apart from him. You ignored all of your pain because, as long as Nico was happy, you could live. You could ignore love. You could ignore everything. Seeing him, admiring him from a distance, that is all you needed.
Which is why you had jumped in front of Nico to block a sword from impaling him. That blow would've billed him, and you couldn't let that happen.
Time slowed, everything blurring together and going back into sharp focus. You fell to the ground, coughing because you couldn't breath. It hurt, in a numb headache sort of way. It was almost as if your brain hadn't made the connect. You strained to hear- to do anything at all, but all you heard was a ringing and muffled shouting. You were exhausted. Who knew dying was exhausted. You gazed at the sky, a small smile on your face. The stars really were beautiful...
"-N)! (Y/N) can you hear me?!" A muffled voice screamed. You're sight of the sky disappear as Nico looked over you.
"H-hey Neeks," you mumble, a soft smile as you struggle for the next breath.
"(Y/N) stay with me, please!" Nico begs, "I can't lose you too, please (Y/N)."
You chuckles softly, a fond smile on your face, "I-it takes more than this t-to kill me." The end of your sentence was cut short by coughing. You're eyes started closing, "I'm tired Neeks..."
"Stay with me (Y/N)," Nico says "don't close you're eyes."
"I'd never leave you Nico," You say, reaching up to touch his cheek. You're gaze softened, "I love you too much to ever want to hurt you..."
"It sounds like you're saying goodbye," Nico says frantically, "Don't say goodbye."
"Weren't you the one that's okay with death?" You chuckle.
"I don't want you to die!" Nico says. "You're a sister to me, (Y/N)! I can't lose another sister!"
You reach down and grasp weakly at a necklace with a small charm on it. The charm was a dove, "Take my necklace Nico. I want you to have it. Please."
"(Y/N)," confusion enters his gaze, "What do you mean?!"
"I'm dying Nico," you say, "And I want my goodbye to be right."
"You're not going to die!" Nico says, a determined look. He picks you up, "We just need to take you to the infirmary.
"Nico, don't make this any harder than it has to be," You smile at him, "You can feel my life draining." Your eyes flutter, "and I'm so tired." You're (E/C) eyes flutter close, and the last breath of life escapes your body. You're limp in Nico's arms, head turned towards the stars.
Nico would never forget as your (E/C) eyes glazed over. How your gaze became distant. How you looked past him and at the stars. How a content smile was the last expression you ever made. He lets himself cry. He'd hate himself later for it, but you were gone. He couldn't last with you gone. You were his support, his sister. How was he supposed to live with that?
He took your necklace, securing it around his neck. He took your body in his arms and shadow traveled to camp. He broke the news to those at camp. He retreated to his cabin. He remembered all the memories the two of you had made. He knew that he couldn't ever forget you.
(Years Later)
Nico and Will had adopted a child together. Nico was reminded of you, as she was just like you. They named you (Y/N), a tribute to you.
The little girl had (E/C) eyes, (H/L) (H/C) hair, and (S/T) skin. And she acted just like you.
Will was cooking for Nico and (Y/N) one day, when (Y/N) says something strange.
"I remember giving you my necklace," she smiled, not looking up from her drawing of a type of bird.
Nico looked up at Will in confusion, before looking at little (Y/N), "What do you mean?"
"I jumped in front you to save you from a scary monster," She scrunches her nose in distaste, "And got hurt. You tried to save me, but I died. I gave you my pretty necklace because my Mommy had given it to me when she had died. A-A," she frowns as she struggles to say a word, "Afodite told me that it was to remember Mommy."
Nico looked up at will in shock. You had chosen to be reborn- and now you were their child. The chances of that happening are slim at best.
"Would you like the necklace back?" Nico asks, reaching to take it off.
"No," she shakes her head, "Its yours now."

~The End~

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