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Your POV

You have Nico pinned beneath you, his hands, pinned also by you, just above his head. You were sitting on his chest.

"And I won again! You may be better at sword fighting, but you will never be as good as me at hand to hand combat!" You say breathing heavily.

You get off of him and pull him up.

"Rematch?" He asks.

"Hm, Friday your cabin?" You ask. Rematches usually consisted of a movie marathon with a butt load of Popcorn. Yum!

"Sure!" He smiles. Wait he smiled?!

"You can smile?" You ask, grinning.

"Yes, I just don't do it much," he raises an eyebrow.

"I don't believe it. What's next? Are you going to laugh?" You ask. With that he laughs. "OMGS NICO DI ANGELO CAN LAUGH! CAN YOU GUYS BELIEVE IT?" You shout to the whole camp, "HE ACTUALLY CAN LAUGH! OMGS YOU GUYS GET THE CAMERA! HE LAUGHED, HE ACTUALLY LAUGHED!" You fall to the ground and act like you fainted from surprise.

He rolls his eyes, "You are such a drama queen."

"I can't talk, I have fainted," you whisper.

"Oh my gods, I give up!" He walks away leaving you on the ground just outside his cabin. You laugh so hard your sides hurt.

~Time skip to Friday~

Nico's POV

(Y/N) walks into my cabin, her arms full of movies we could watch. This is why I liked her, she always came prepared.

"So are we gonna watch Moana or Finding Dory?" She asks me.

"Why are they both water themed?" I frown.

"Because I like water. Now choose. Then we get to watch one of the many horror movies that I brought," was her answer.

~Time skip to after movie~

Your POV

You and Nico had started talking about who would win if you were to have a battle on the PS4.

"Ha, I would win!" You smirked. Did he really think that he could beat you, the great and powerful (Y/N)?

(Please tell me at least one of you got that!)

"That's probably true, but I know something that you can't beat me at," he replies.

"Oh really. And what might that be?" You ask.


And with that Nico flips you over, sitting on top of you, pinning your arms to your sides, and, most surprising of all, kissing you. You're to shocked to kiss back for a moment, but then you make up for it by pouring just as much passion into it as Nico.

Sadly you had to pull away for air. Nico gets off of you, and helps you up. You take his hand and get up.

"Does this mean you like me?" Nico asks.

You roll your eyes, "No it means that I hate you and I never want to see you again. Of course I like you!"

"Why are you always so sarcastic?" He asks.

"Yes, now are we going to finish the movie or what?" You demand.

"Okay, let's finish the movie. But first, will you be my Ghost Queen?" He asks.

"Yas, now hush up! THE MOVIES PLAYING!"


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Word count: 534

QOTC: Do you like my oneshots?

Hope you enjoyed!!!


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