Will you be my...

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Please enjoy my lovelies! (AU where no one is a demigod, and you are friends with most of the seven. Don't ask) I just had a random thought and you get this! Hooray! Also, Y/T means Your Town. And warning, mention of self harm in this chapter. But still, please enjoy!!!!


You sat in the hallway at school, reading your book. You usually came to school early, and so you brought a book along just in case you finished your homework. 

Suddenly you see a shadow stand over you. You look up and see non other than Mahua, a girl who had been bothering- no, BULLYING, you for a while.

"What do you want?" You ask, not really caring.

"Oh well," at this point you zoned her out, thinking about the book you were reading. It was The Outsiders, and you found it amazhang.

"Hm?" You ask snapping back to reality, "I wasn't really listening."

"Nerd," she says in loathing.

"I prefer the term 'smarter than you,'" you answer, not even batting an eye.

You hear a guy say, "Oh, do you need some ice for that burn?" 

You look around Mahua and spot one of your best friends, Leo Valdez.

"Hey Leo!" You pat a spot next to you, not even bothering to acknowledge Mahua's presence.

Mahua slaps the book out of your hands, losing you place, "Listen to me you geek! You are ugly and worthless! Nobody likes you! You could die and no one would care!"

You clench your fists, "You did two wrong things in the last five seconds," you whisper and the hallway had gone deathly quiet. Every one was staring. "You knocked my book out of my hands, which is a sin upon itself, but you also lost my place. That was a major mistake. On top of that, you insulted my friends and family. You said no body would care, but they would. Now I know you must have some family problems or some drama going on with your friends, but that is no excuse to come and find the person you would think would not fight back and take your anger out on them. Now honey," you stand up, placing one hand on your hip, in a very sassy pose,"You misjudged me. I will fight back, and I know just where to start." You hold out your hand, asking for a hand shake.

"What are you doing?" She whimpers, obviously scared because of what you did.

"I'm (Y/N), it's nice to meet you. Wanna be friends?" You ask. Kill them with kindness as your great grandpa used to say. In truth you really wanted to punch her in thoe gut.

She hesitantly takes your hand and shakes it. "Hi, I'm Mahua?"

"You sure about that?" You ask light-heartily. 

"Ya, my name is Mahua. Sure we can be friends," She still sounded cautious, but you ignored this. Sometimes when a book comes off as bad, you just have to read a little more. And you thoroughly believed that this applied to people to.

"Great! Wanna hear about my favorite book series?" You ask excitedly.

"S-sure," She mutters. Maybe all she needed was a friend.

"Okay so one day I found this book called Percy Jackson and The Lightning Thief! (Schist to the forth wall!) It was so good!" You started explaining it, and soon she wanted to read it. You two were talking like you had been friends for a while. The sad thing was that you two didn't have the same lunch, so you couldn't continue talking after the bell rang.

~Time Skip To Lunch~

You sat down with your meal of pizza. It was Friday, so your school was serving pizza. You sat down with your friends Percy Jackson (Your half brother, on your fathers side) Annabeth Chase, Jason Grace, Piper McLean, Leo Valdez, Frank Zhang, and Hazel Levesque. Nico wasn't at lunch, even though you knew that he was in the same (6A) lunch. 

Nico Di Angelo x Female! readerWhere stories live. Discover now