Part 5 Father

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No words could be said in that situation, only tears could fall. This was the Knights pain to bear, the Princess could only watch.

The willow shook with anticipation.

Ayla sat in silence, waiting for her parents to show up.

Kazuki sat in near silence, noming on a apple. Occasionally looking around to see if anyone had appeared, he was more interested in them showing up then Ayla.

She kept her head down in a panic like state. Her heart felt heavy and she found it hard to lift her head to see if they had arrived or not..

This silence lasted for minutes on end. The longer the persisting silence, the heavier her heart felt.

A bush shook, both turned to face the noise. Only to find a squirrel turn around and hop back through the bushes after spotting them.

Kazuki turned to face Ayla's nearly petrified face. Only to suppress his laughter after seeing it. “They will come no matter how serious you act. So its best to act freely now, before the restraints of the situation come into place.

She remained silent, her face still stiff.

Kazuki sat up in a alarm, “I've got to go.”

“What! Why?” She asked, panicked.

“Don't have time to explain.” Without giving her time to reply, he was gone. Having exited the clearing in the direction opposite of where she entered.

Before she had a chance to recover from her shock, her mother stepped through the clearing. Her face was beat red. Her brown hair was cut short and tied back in a tight ponytail. She was shorter then one might expect barely coming up to Ayla's shoulders. But with the disposition all parents bear, she seemed to be the same as a giant towering over her.

Ayla expected to see her father behind her. But she was not surprised to see no one there. What makes her think they would enter the same place at the same time? They don't carry any sort of bond with each other anymore.

“Ayla.” Her mother said, her voice trying to remain calm.

Ayla could not get herself to reply.

“Ayla,” Her mother said again.

“Mother I-”

Her mother broke her off, “You are only doing this as a hissy fit. A daughter of mine should not be acting in such a disturbing manner. You and I both know, you would not be doing this otherwise. So stop your pathetic fit and head on home.”

The fuse was lit, she really didn't care anymore. It did not matter that kazuki wasn't her real boyfriend. It didn't matter that they were not really going to 'deepen' their relationship tonight. It all just did not matter. “Why the hell not? You are the ones who are tearing my life apart. Did you think that because this was a personal decision on your part that no one else would be involved? WE are the victims here. Having to separate from MY family, because of a fight YOU had. How can that be fair. Are you saying I'm supposed to sit by and just let it happen.

Why the hell can't I throw a hissy fit. I don't want to be separated from my brother. If by deepening my relationship with my boyfriend can get the point across. Why the hell not?”

“Ayla.” Her mother replied dumbstruck.”

“Yes,” She replied a slight bar in her teeth.

“Don't use such dirty language in front of me.”

Ayla took a deep breath, in fear she might not be able to hold herself back, “After I said all that. My language is what you pull out of it?”

Her mother nodded.

“You said I was the one throwing a hissy fit? Seriously? Are you so caught up in your self obsession that you can't even react to this? Language? Hows this for language. You're a self obsessed bitch that can't even take care of your own children, you care more about your job than you do about family. That company you work so hard for is crap anyway.”

Her mother pulled her hand back. Ayla couldn't react. She might have been able to, if her mother had reacted to anything else. But the way her expression remained neutral throughout her entire statement, up till the moment Ayla mentioned the word- crap.

Not self obsessed bitch, nor any other insult. But calling her company crap is what got the reaction.

Ayla could only stare dumbstruck as the hand swung towards her face.

-only to be blocked by a intruder. Kazuki stood between them, facing Ayla's mother. His forearm blocked her hand inches from Ayla's face.

He wasn't smiling, He wasn't scared, he wasn't angry. If anything, the feeling that came from him was a intense feeling of nothing. The absence of which drove fear in both the mother and daughters hearts.

He spoke softly yet his words rang louder than even the approaching storm and a storm was approaching, one so violent that it had not seen equal, “Both of you, cut this crap.”

Ayla's Mother once again twitched at the word crap.

He turned towards Ayla, putting his finger on her forehead to gently push her backwards. “Both of you. I need you to calm down.”

“Why she asked, “ Her voice weak, “You told me to state my feelings.”

He nodded, “Yes I did, and you have done so. But you are no longer stating your opinion, your about to bring up your fist in rage. If you to get in a state of pure strife no conclusion will be made. So Both of you calm down, shut up and let me speak”

The Females remained quiet.

“Now,” He said, “A misunderstanding has taken place. Once I clear this up, You two can get back to your freaking pointless bloodbath.”

Ayla glared at him, this fight was not pointless.

“Alright, first. Ayla, your going under the misunderstanding that your mother does not care for you. You believe this to be true right?”

She nodded.

“Wrong, If that were true why would she have come in the first place. She was honestly worried about you making a decision that could ruin your life. If she didn't care she would have stayed at work.

Ayla felt her limbs go weak. Seriously?

He turned to face Ayla's mother, “And you are making just as big of a misunderstanding.”

Ayla's mother just crossed her arms and stared.

“Well, “ he conceded, “ This is partly my fault, okay all my fault. But Ayla does not have a Boyfriend. Though that’s not what needs clearing up.”

He looked away, that feeling of nothingness faded, and a feeling of sadness replaced it. This time he spoke softly, having a hard time getting the words out of his mouth. “You two will need a support after this, I hope you will find one within your family.”

He turned towards Ayla's mother, “Mother, your husband has been ignoring you over the last few months. That is why you want to divorce him right? You think he is cheating on you, and because he can't face up to it. He hasn't contacted you.”

Ayla's Mother looked at him with surprise, her jaw agape,”H-how”

“Because, “ He stated, “That is a misunderstanding.”

The willow tree was still and nothing moved within its cover.

“Your husband, is not ignoring you. Your husband is dead.”

Both the Meyer's remained petrified unable to process the information.

“That organization you've been hearing about on the news, absorbed Summer Industries. The reason your husband stopped calling. The reason the checks stopped coming. Wasn't because he wanted a divorce. But because he himself could not.”

Kazuki could only watch as both their tears started to flow, first the mothers, then Ayla's having understood her mothers reaction. Their fighting stopped.

Tears fell that night along with the light drizzle of the approaching storm.

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